Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Audio Final

Ach... In record time...no, actually would you believe me if I told you that I was the LAST person to leave? I turned in my final second to last, right before that one guy did. He gave it to us at 1:22 pm, and I got out of there at 1:40 pm. 50 questions. It was très simple!! Ach, now if my tv production final will be that easy I will be so happy!!

Which, by the way--those two questions that were driving me mad because I could never remember them but finally made myself memorize them?? They were on the final. Yep. Phantom power IS 48 volts DC, and the velocity of sound at sea level, 70 degrees F IS 1,130 feet per second. GO GINGER! GGRR

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