Thursday, May 26, 2005

Stupid/Crazy People

Oh maaan...some people. Well, I guess I should start with the easiest part first...not long after I got on the bus there was this man. He got on. He appeared drunk but maybe he wasnt, maybe it was something else instead. Well anyways, he was sure that this one guy who he didnt know had played basketball or football, and kept asking him very loudly what his number was when he played. I was happy to get off the bus. But alas, for after the bus drove off I could still hear his voice!! I turned around and he was yelling to a couple walking their dogs across the street, and he said "hey, wait a minute lemme pet'cho dogs! let me pet'cho dogs, WAIT!" and they kept walking but he went after them because...apparantly he wanted to pet the dogs.

There...that's the easy part. I'm sure you may have figured by now that the previous paragraph takes care of the "crazy people" part of my title...the harder part is for me to say this in my blog about how stupid someone is. I am so sick of their bullshit, all the stress they put upon someone. How can someone be so selfish and not realize that it is THEIR fault??

I'm sorry Miranda, but I have to. Wether he reads my blog or not, if he hears it enough times, it's gotta click somewhere...

Tony. Ahh, wonderful Tony. You know, I liked Tony once. Yep, I had a crush on him when we rode the bus together. He would always sit with me because he was the ONLY person who I would allow to sit with me in the wonderful heat seat. That was originally because he never had anywhere to sit and I felt bad that everyone didnt want him to sit there because they were selfish. (oh wow...i cant believe i made a connection to something that SHOWS you Tony......) That's right...everyone on the bus was selfish and wouldnt let him sit with them. But I did. Why would I do such a thing? Because I'm not selfish. Because I dont want people to treat people like that. So I let him sit with me because I know how it feels to not have somewhere to sit because all around you are SELFISH people that would rather sit with a bland piece of material with many papers in it that doesnt talk to you or entertain you or even just make you not so lonely...than with YOU. I hate people like that. I can understand sometimes, but when there's nowhere to sit, COME on now....but i'm getting off track. I liked Tony. I'm pretty sure he liked me too. I must admit, I was a little jealous when Miranda and him got together, but by then I was mostly over it because I had found an asshole of my own to deal with. Dont worry, I'm not going to say you are as bad of a person as he is. He is a very bad person, and a verrrrrrry verrrrrry stupid person. I will admit Tony, you are smart, your problem is you are not LOGICAL. Would you like me to explain? Well, want it or not, you'll still keep reading to know what the hell else I would say about you/to you anyways I'm sure. Well, let me get the dictionary out and define this word of which you lack in your vocabulary....

Logic (from ancient Greek λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word, or what is spoken, but coming to mean thought or reason) is the study of arguments. Its primary task is to set up systems and criteria for distinguishing good from bad arguments. Arguments express inferences — the processes whereby new assertions are produced from already established ones. As such, of particular concern in logic is the structure of arguments — the formal relations between the newly produced assertions and the previously established ones, where "formal" means that the relations are independent of the assertions themselves. Just as important is the investigation of validity of inference, including various possible definitions of validity and practical conditions for its determination. It is thus seen that logic plays an important role in epistemology in that it provides a mechanism for extension of knowledge.

As a byproduct, logic provides prescriptions for reasoning, that is, how people – as well as other intelligent beings, machines, and systems – ought to reason. Such prescriptions are not essential to logic itself, however; rather, they are an application. How people actually reason is usually studied in other fields, including cognitive psychology.

Traditionally, logic is studied as a branch of philosophy. Since the mid-1800s logic has been commonly studied in mathematics, and, even more recently, in computer science. As a science, logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments and devises schemata by which these are codified. The scope of logic can therefore be very large, including reasoning about probability and causality. Also studied in logic are the structure of fallacious arguments and paradoxes. The ancient Greeks divided dialectic into logic and rhetoric. Rhetoric, concerned with persuasive arguments, would currently be seen as contrasted with logic, in some sense, as is dialectic in most of its acquired meanings.

So....reason. Having to do with a person's reasoning. What do you have to say about your reasoning Tony? I have things to say about it. See people, Tony believes that if he is with someone he owns them and they are supposed to forget everything else and be with him nonstop. Basically, he wants someone to put a leash on and show off to everyone and for them to entertain him. If that's not how it is Tony, then tell me how it really is then. You say you are not selfish. Look at what you do to her, and look at what she does to you. What DOES she do to you? She loves you. She picks you up EVERY day. And if you have a few dates written down in which she DIDNT pick you up, SO WHAT. She takes the time out of her life every day to spend time for you. She does what she can to spend time with you. But when she CANNOT do something with you, what do you do? Tell me, Tony. What DO you DO? I'm sure I can tell you. Wether it is what you do EVERY time or not, I'm sure it happens more than once. What Tony does, everyone, is he throws a fit. He gets upset and starts going on about how Miranda doesnt want to be with him and she'd rather do this and that than spend time with him, or that she's excluding him or WHATEVER he can think of the quickest. THAT is what you do Tony. That. And if at all, you find me to be so totally wrong and off my rocker, let me know, cuz I sure as hell want to know the truth. But i'm pretty sure I have the truth here in front of me and I cannot stand you not realizing the truth any longer. This is not against you Rebecca, I barely know you. This is for your son. This is the truth. This is how I feel, this is the way things are and I am sick of it. They have been together for a year and I cannot handle him treating her this way any more. She's not allowed to be my friend? WHY? Because ONE time--ONE FKING TIME I decided that I wanted her to come over and not him. If anyone realizes who he is, they would understand immediately a few reasons as to why I would not want him there. First of all, I was the only chick there. I missed my Miranda. I hadnt hung out with her in a while and I wanted to see her. She was capable of seeing me, but I did not want Tony there because I could see that he was not a good person, and I also knew he would not like any of the people there. And yes, I did want her to get flirted with. I understand that Tony may not like me because of that. That's fine. Because as time has gone on I went from having a crush on this boy who sat with me on the bus to pretty much hating him. Dont get me wrong, if he treated Miranda right I would get along with him just fine, wether he liked me or not. In fact I did get along with him great, I liked him for a long time, even though he cant stand me. The only reason why I liked him though, was because my best friend loves him and cares for him. The rare moments when we were around eachother he would usually split immediately. I was polite, I tried to converse with him but he had no part of it. It's like as if he doesnt even like Miranda when she (wether you know it or not, Tony, she is alot like me) acts like herself. Bubbly, happy, hyper. Even when she is mad, she usually finds enough energy to do a bunch of things. And all i ever know now of her is depressed or stressed. In the minutes where he was not on her mind today, I could see her smile shine. In the was the Miranda I remember. But Tony, you remember today. You kept calling her constantly. Concerned with wether she was still with me or not. Where are you. Are you still with her. I skipped class today. Why? Because i'm not logical, i was upset at miranda and skipped because well i dont know really why i just did,/.....probably because he was so angry that Miranda would dare to have a friend. A fking friend. So what if he doesnt like me, she loves me. What I see is her loving him and accepting all the things he does and trying to make everything he wants to do possible, but she has a hard time doing things because he doesnt want to do them. So what! She doesnt always want to do things you do. She doesnt want to sit there and watch you work on a car, wow how exciting. Her friend is having a baby, and she runs up, dropping everything else to go be with her friend. Is that OR IS THAT NOT what any normal person would do? But understand, folks, that Tony doesnt always think LOGICALLY. No, no no. He gets upset that Miranda (AND GINGER TOO MIND YOU, SOMETHING ELSE FOR TONY TO BITCH ABOUT) goes without telling him to Lansing to see her. Uh, yah! At least my lovely friend Miranda knows how to think logically. I think her daddy taught her that. This is how i would think as i'm pretty sure Miranda's thoughts were similar to this: Gotta go see Sarah, I should go get Tony, no, he is in school he cant miss his class, (this is the part she even mentioned to him too) and besides, Ginger is with me and he would just be mad and not want to come because she'll be there and he wont want to be near her at all, and he'll just kill the bright mood everyone is in. (oh sorry, that part was me thinking but then again she might think that, it's not very far from it i'm absolutely sure, tony) SOOO, I'll just go up and see Sarah and everything will be good she'll have the baby and we'll all say "yay" and be happy and i'll come home and Tony will be home or just be getting out of class and ask "how's sarah" and i'll say "yay" and we'll be happy and everyone will be happy end of story. That's how she would have thought. Pretty sure that is how she did think. The day:

Get to Miranda's at 9 something. Tony is calling calling calling as she's in the shower and i'm knocking on the door. she cant hear a damn thing. I know that I could go in and sit down but what if her ma was there, or--oh man, i can see her having a heart attack walking out of the bathroom and me on her couch. That would scare the shit out of her, i wont do that, so eventually she heard the phone answered, Tony of course, who else. She tells him i'm there and he says k, love you bye as though he doesnt want to talk to her because Ginger could taint the phone lines. oooo, eeeeevil and mysterious Ginger, sooo magical she she calls Sarah anyways and oh no, they took her down to delivery twenty minutes ago!! Rush rush out the door, on our way. Tony calls. wah wah wah wah, yell at her some more about stupid shit, bye, curves freeway weee fast car Lansing! Yay, that was fun Miranda i like your fast car. Hospital, Sarah, Tom, his sister, Tony's mom Rebecca. Oh no, I think. But we smiled, thankfully the day is Sarah's, otherwise if it were someone else's then maybe she would have tried to defend someone who does not deserve defending again. La la la, tony tony tony blah blah blah, pretty much I'm so sick of thinking about all the shit he put her through today AS WELL AS all the other shit on all the other days that he has EVER gave her shit----WHICH BY THE WAY, i know is more than just when it comes to ME.

Understand, Tony, you have potential to do many things. You are a strong willed person and besides the fact that in the title of this post I referred to you as stupid, you are intelligent. I never had a problem with you until you laid all your selfish needs down upon her and treating her verrrry BADLY. Yes, Tony, BADLY. Making her think that you dont deserve to live, that you have nothing else to live for other than her, YES tony, that IS treating her badly. Do you KNOW what that does to someone? I dont think you realize that. I've seen someone get blamed for a death, it is wrong and it is torture. That is such a horrible thing, someone you love more than anyone ever before dies, and as you mourn the death people blame you for it. So wrong. They know you had nothing to do with it but they point fingers. Well, you did not die and she did not get blamed for it, but you made her know that if you were to die it would be because of her. Because godforbid you break up. And folks, realize that he told this to her after only like a month of being with her. That was before the incident happened. How can someone treat another person like that? And get so upset because GINGER is with Miranda. Obviously you are aware of some of the truth if you told Miranda that this is how people think, that she isnt allowed to do things and she isnt allowed to have friends and every breath the takes is so that she can keep living long enough to hang out with tony again--not that she's allowed to be away from him for more than four hours without talking to him. Because that is how he is, OBSESSIVE. Define, you say Tony? What is this word?? Get a dictionary. Because that is what you are doing. BEING OBSESSIVE. You act like you own her and she is your slave and that godforbid she do anything without telling you------oh my god tony, her friend is having a baby and you flip out that she didnt call you and tell you she was going up there---my god, you are supposed to be in school. Wether you were or not, you needed to be. Why is she going to call you WHILE YOU ARE IN CLASS to tell you what she is going to do for the very moment. What's Tony's number, Miranda, I want to call him right now and tell him that in five minutes I might have to go to the bathroom, and later today I am going to eat food, and maybe sleep too but I'm not sure yet if I should sleep or write more about the truth. I need his consent, wether i should go back to the apartment or walk around lansing for hours...not that i want to but hah, maybe that's waht he wants me to do. i'm sure he probably wants me to die by now. But, simliar to what you told Miranda today, IT'S THE TRUTH. YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IT. Which tony, it IS the truth, this is how I feel, this is how EVERYONE sees it, this IS how you treat her, AND IT NEEDS TO STOP. She loves you. The way I see it, you dont love her. YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH HER. Wether you are very mature for your age or not, I dont care--I was that too once upon a time and there were still things that were very childish of me. You too. You are still at the point where you are not in love, you are obsessing over her. You think you love her and maybe you do, I cant tell how you feel. But you sure as hell act as though the only thing you are is obsessed. And you need to treat her better, give her (what you THINK you took from her--) her freedom--back. She has a life, she needs to live it, wether you want her to or not. Stop obsessing with her, just love her for loving you if nothing else. Forget that she cant do EVERYTHING you want her to do--because that is how the world works. Not everything can bend the way she bends her life for you.

Hate me or not, as long as you treat her good and she likes you, your cool with me. But until the day comes that you decide to stop your selfish ways and realize that you cannot live in this world without independance, you and I are at war. You've been trying to declair it on me for months and finally I've had enough of you treating my best friend the way you do, so it is official now, even though all this time you have not liked me and i have liked you--not alot, but enough to accept that you are a smart guy who loves my Miranda. But not after today. I am sick of all the shit you do to stress her out beyond belief. She did nothing. All the other times you yelled at her for the dumbest things, SHE DID N-O-T-H-I-N-G WRONG. She does not deserve all the headaches and all the worries and all the sacrifices that you put on her. I have had enough of it, and it is time you wake up from this sick fucking game you are playing and realize that life will be a lot fucking easier for you if you give up trying to control her life and just love her for being Miranda. Cuz I love her, just for being her. She is a free person and she should not be anyone but who she is. I dont want her being the Miranda with a cloud over her head, that's not her. That cloud is you. Let the sun shine, Tony, let her live her life, let her be Miranda, decide wether you love her for being Miranda or not and quit trying to make her do things.

I'll accept you, but only after you decide to treat her the way she needs to be treated. She loves you, she told me today that she likes everything about you--but damn it tony, when you do stupid shit like you did today, everyone swears you are just a child throwing a fit. and you know what they do to kids like that? When the toy is broken and the child brings it to someone pissy and wants them to fix it but doesnt ask just tosses it around and expects it to get fixed because the problem is obvious to the adult--what would you do? Probably not what you should do. Let the child ask you. Otherwise it'll think that anything it wants will be given to it without asking, that it expects you to cater to it always. And that ishow the child will grow up, always thinking that.....who always fixed your toys when they were broken Tony?

Ok, i've been in here for two hours typing non stop. I think it's time to go. Seriously, i opened this window at 4:14 pm my time thing says and what time is it now---6:07. This is what I cannot stop thinking about and I had to say it somewhere. I am so sick of Tony not realizing what he is doing. And if he does know what he is doing, than he is a VERY sick person and needs to be hospitalized...but I really dont think he knows what he is doing. Why else would i write two hours nonstop about the truth for him?

Ginger Marrie

ps. Graduation tomorrow at the wharton, 8pm BE THERE and if you come, come upstairs and see me!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

P.S.....i'm starving.....send me an email full of food please....

Well, it turned out alright. Birthday went ok, weekend went better…ma and Jerry came up for my birthday and we went to Finley’s. Saturday grandma and grandpa had a wedding to go to and they stopped by, then Sunday, oh Sunday…Aunt Pam brought us down at ten and we stopped by someone’s place for David to get better clothes, and because we did not plan it all out we had no ride and it took forever and we got there an hour late. I was really upset about it, but well, I guess things all worked out. Thursday I have to go to the high school in the AM and then Friday is blah blah blaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~~~~yeah. Life sucks…listen to my mother “life’s a bitch and then ya die”

Thank you ma, everyone have a dyslexic—what the-where’d that come from!!—everyone have a happy happy joy joy day…


Friday, May 20, 2005


Ok, so I’m a little silly……so what? It’s my birthday today! I have that right to be silly today! After I get out of class, my mother is coming up some time today…don’t know when. David is coming with me, yay…I think he’s a little afraid to go to grandma’s 50th anniversary party on Sunday though. He may be popular, but he’s shy. But we wont embarrass him any further, even though he never reads this. Well work on the suprize is hard…don’t want to think about it right now…as for anything else…’s my birthday! I got a fortune cookie in here today and you know what it says??? Stupid stuff::::: The most we can do is our best! (not gonna tell you my lucky numbers…) the back says:::: “Learning Chinese::::Furniture ja jew”

Isn’t that a good fortune for my birthday?? No, I don’t think so. Well leaving..


Tuesday, May 17, 2005


What does Ginger want for her birthday??

Ø all the evil people in the world to DIE
Ø my problems that i have----all of them--- to go away and never come back
Ø for Miranda to do what she has been needing to do for a year (dream on Ging)
Ø for a bunch of people to post comments on my blog and make me feel special????
Ø to finally get to do what i have been wanting to do for four months
Ø for everyone to get along again like we used to--Jessica, Miranda, Ginger--
Ø david to tell me that this shit is just my imagination, and prove it too..
Ø for a certain person in the cold die
Ø for all of THEM to quit treating me like i am the only superbitch in mid-michigan
Ø for Godzilla to kill ALL of THEM...

i think it's getting a little repititious..

also, there are a few other things that i have wanted for a while for my birthday... go here...

what else....tell you later when i remember.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Hey, yo,!

I should NOT be here right now. I am in the computer lab and I know that David is awake by now panicking about Rob and wondering why I'm not already there...

weekend. Dang it, another weekend eludes my memory...kinda...dont remember Friday night, if anyone else remembers it for me post a comment...Saturday went with David to Rob's house, yesterday came back really stressed out...and went with Neil to Auntie Pammie's house and had dinner with them for our birthdays....yes that's right....our birthdays are very near........remember what i told you I wanted?? "NO?? WHADDO YA MEAN, NO!!!!" caught me, mocking Dave...

Wow, what a busy week. I have alot to do. Neil's birthday, my birthday (ON FRIDAY...) , then on Sunday is grandma's birthday...AND HER wedding anniversary. Not just any wedding anniversary though...HER 50th!!!! Grandma and Grandpa have been married for 50 years...and all my aunts and my uncle are nearing that number themselves...that's a long time.

ALSO, something else that I have going on this week is to put the final touches on my SUPRIZE for the Anniversary party. I have been trying to finish the stupid thing for so long, but I keep getting interrupted. And no, this is not MY fault. But I can guarantee that it will all be in order when the time comes for it to be ready. hehehe.....YOU WILL ALL LOVE IT.

well...I should be getting out of the computer lab, David's probably looking at the clock right now saying "she's usually back by now..."


Friday, May 13, 2005

What a great band

Keane...I really like them. They sound so peaceful, in the two songs i've heard of's awesome.

My eye hurts's my left eye this time, i think it's just cuz there was probably something on the contact when i put them in or something and didnt notice it until now. hurts so bad to close it...:(

Today is FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH...OOOOO...i bet i know what Jerry's watching...either a marathon of nothing but Jason killing people or else twilight zone/that other show that i cant think of the name... marathons....i'm sure they're on. They ALWAYS play Friday the 13th marathons on Friday the 13th. It's just ritual.

By the way, KJ, if i were down there I would kidnap you too. Just so you know, you havent been forgotten.

I would like to see a Friday the 13th marathon now that i think about it a little. Damn...

I am really hungry too..."I predict a riot...oh oh I predict a riot..."

"Everybody's Changing"

You say you wander your own land
But when i think about it
I dont see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And i can see the pain in your eyes
Say everybody's changing
And i dont know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

I just thought that everyone needed to read the lyrics of one of Keane's's excellent.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Yeah...sorry about that...I dont know the proper english for measurment in time...sorry...CORRECTION: ma is NOT a century old...she's almost half a century old...a duh...

Miranda I miss you I want to go kidnap you one of these days while whats-his-name is busy at school...thinking...plotting...


Monday, May 09, 2005

Is it really Monday?

Oh wow...what happened to the weekend? I dont remember Friday! I really dont remember what happened this weekend. Why...i dont know. I remember being at Rob's house with David. That's about all i can say. What the hell did i do, it must not have been important. Well yippee, no more LCC!! There are like three people in the computer lab right now, so suprized i'm not the ONLY one. Ma's birthday was yesterday AS WELL AS mother's day. Ma is now two years away from being a century, i wonder what i'll be like when i'm's only about 31 years away. Hm...must go ponder now--and get to class...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Weekend or whatever

Hm...where to start...i saw Jim this morning. I need to talk to him again later today, i really hope he's around later. Weekend we went to GR for saturday night, it was...a funny time. aside from my coughing to death we walked down a few blocks...yes that's right, i was terrifyed (thanks ma...) there was some guy who tried to talk to us but we ignored it and kept going. I was soooo afraid, i kept hearing mother saying "dirty fucking city full of creeps"(--dont get me wrong, mother has nothing specific against GR, she hates all big cities. So do i.) I hung onto david's arm so tight and kept asking him are we almost there!!!!! dirrrrty city...monday i filmed my project...but alot of it isnt so good...out of focus or over exposed...i feel so stupid...and i remember telling myself to remember that i turned the mic off when i first got the camera and when i was outside in the cold i was wondering why i had no levels...and knew i wouldnt have any sound...but i didnt tell david's so screwed up. I have to edit it will be fun. I need my star card...i need to go see Cory...crap! i need to go see Sarah, she's in Sparrow cuz she went into labor. Two months early...Sarah I hope you're alright. Met Laura yesterday too. Saw grandma and grandpa yesterday and auntie Pammie and Haley and Amanda B sadly...

C'est tout pour maintenant...
