Tuesday, August 31, 2004

My Audio Production 1 class

yes, that's right...i am in the class now. heh...the prof is hot...too bad he's like 26! yeah i thought it was funny this guy came in there to unlock the door and i thought he was a media aide. some of the students are older than the prof! i just think him being so young he'd be teaching all this to us...but he is! he didnt even graduate 10 years ago! only 8! wow...

Aside from my good looking professor...tomorrow i'm going to visit Chartucky, "Home of the [Sea]". so yeah and now i need to go home and sleep cuz i think that's why i'm so scatterbrain today is because i am so tired. i have only been sleeping for 6 hours and my body is used to 12. Literally! i thought this morning i had dark circles under my eyes, which i never have because i am good at that 'get your sleep' thing but i dont know if they're still there. yeah, i need to go home and get energy. Tchao mes amis

Ginger Marrie

my eisd class

today in my "Eaton Intermediate School District" class, Computer Graphics and Web Design, i have come to realize that i may not be a big shot, or a loud mouth, or a class clown... but the first day of class i always seem to be the only brave one and i am the only one who is without fear. i may be a tad nervous at times, but i will talk and say what i would any other time.

today has not been so bad, yet. i still have alot to do... but i'm going to wait until the day is over to tell you all. i sent a message to Zane thru people telling him to eat at school tomorrow. because tomorrow, after class, i am taking Neil's car down to lovely homey Chartucky and first going to the school and eventually having ma sign those stupid papers...maybe see Mithrandir... i have to call her.

c'est tout pour maintenant! au revoir mes amis!

Monday, August 30, 2004

today sucked

yeah i'm exausted. when i got home i went and got the key and while i was at it i asked them where that road was. they found it for me but it didnt stay in my mind and i had no map. so i found the address and i went to la post. it took me forever to find THE STUPID THING!! i had to ask someone after i walked around two blocks looking at my cata map and wondering why it wasnt there but then after i was shown where it was my map made sense. so... I MAILED MY FATHER. i didnt know what to say so i kept it to like a small paragraph telling him i was up here and if he wanted to come see me i'd be here. i dont know why i did it. i really dont. but...someone who has taught me many things in the past two years opened my eyes to another thing. their mother lived her entire life angry at her father because he never came around, then when he died her and her sister regretted it, and will always regret ignoring him JUST BECAUSE he "ignored" them when THEY were young. i still am angry at him but i dont want that to ever happen to me so i want to make it a little easier.
so yeah i went by there and i realize it really is pretty ghetto, like i was told it was. so yeah... i'm just angry today...so much crap that i cant believe is going on.

c'est tout pour maintenant, au revoir mes amis.

school school schooooooooool is cool

hey just sitting here in the comp lab at lcc after class, the stupid cata bus came late and flew by us there at the stop so we walked down to the other one that the lady stopped at and got on five minutes later. then i got there and found no tracks for hs students so i went to the fourth floor up the stairs, was exausted, and asked her where the hs students were. so she directed me to the bldg and i got in. so then as the guy was talking i realized Charlotte students were right in front of me and i saw Zane and that made my day. i wanted to yell out to him and wave, but i didnt. later when he left with his class though i got him to see me. that really made my day though.
so in my computer graphics and web design class it was fun. well not really it was the same old boring "paperwork must be turned in asap" crap that everyone has on the first day. i'm glad though that that's my ONLY hs class in a not technical way... so then i went out with everyone to the busses and i waited with them. the chs bus came and people lined up for that. i saw Stephanie and then i saw Tony Librojo at the front of the line and i was going to go get him but he got on the bus for i could catch him.
so i am yet to talk to Zane, i was really looking forward to talking to him, i havent seen any of these people in so long!! i think on wednesday i'm going to come down on the bus and have ma sign my stupid paperwork so i can have it turned in on thursday. friday there is no school. so friday i have completely off and so does neil except for his dentist appt...so then i need to ask these people about my access to blackboard cuz my access is denied when it comes to trying to enter into mtec classes that i am enrolled in.
actually i was thinking already i'd come down on friday, but now maybe even on wednesday AND friday!!because if i do it right, on wednesday i need ma to sign those papers and on friday ma is coming up there so maybe i could go up there or no i'll walk to the dentist and catch neil on his way back up!! c'est parfait!! so ma could take me back up on wednesday and neil on friday cuz he'll be going back up there anyways!! well i guess i better get going...

c'est tout pour maintenant! au revoir mes amis!!

Sunday, August 29, 2004


today i woke up at seven and hung around the house all day. until about seven pm then we got on the cata bus and came over here to the computer lab, because we were bored. we were resting all day and we had been boarded up in our room all day we had to go do something! so here we are! and tonight i have to go to sleep early so i can wake up in the morning and be ready to catch my bus to lcc at 720 am. c'est tout pour maintenant! au revoir mes amis!

Friday, August 27, 2004

"We cannot live without drama"

indeed...today has been long, it's not over yet. i have been cleaning all my clothes and sorting and hauling everything inside that i'm not going to take with me. it is so hot outside. i think the ac has been on in here all day. then earlier we went to meijers and bought groceries for tomorrow. so then the other day JESSICA mailed me!! i have some pictures of her and all i think of her senior pictures...i should advise you though, that expect nothing less than what you would expect jessica to look like in these pictures...that's all i'll say...
so this is really bothering me that nbc 10 is now connected somehow with fox 47...(i hate fox!) yeah... and this stupid lcc blackboard thing is making me mad cuz now i've found out how to log on to it but my access is denied for looking at my class' things. it sucks. c'est tout pour maintenant! ging

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

here i am, a tornado!!

hello, i'm ginger the tornado!! coming to get you my pretty! i'm in a tornado but it's north of us it's in our county though. well so this saturday mon frere et moi are moving up to east lansing there right next to brody hall. So tomorrow morning at 715 AM i have my eye appointment, then at 110 pm i have my first class at lcc. i have the tv production tomorrow. grandpa's reading a story about some aliens in the newspaper. huh. so yeah oh of course...miranda has to put down the moose...sob sob sob...i will miss the moose dearly. that's all for now, i leave you with dear thoughts of the moose...

Saturday, August 21, 2004


here with mon frere: Neil. at mark's house. well we are moving up to East Lansing on the 28th and i'll get to class via CATA bus. that's how...solving my pickle from the previous post. this month man...i've wanted to kill two people! well one i've always..."hated" and now i officially hate a new person. cant say who though...i've been at grandma's since the first i think of this month. yada yada yada and i know not what else to say. i really want to check my stupid mail but i friggin forgot my stupid password so i friggin gotta friggin wait for the friggin thing to send the friggin 'forgot my password' email to neil so i can friggin open the friggin thing UGH!!! yeah im done. oh--miranda's kinda mad at me but i'm kinda mad at her so in that fashion we're equal...sigh...