Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Hey everyone, for those of you who know me you should enjoy this or at least get a laugh out of it. Enjoy!

Remember when Miranda and I were obsessed over people in high school? Remember Chris? I saw him today at LCC, but i wasnt quick enough to say anything. If I had said anything to him before thinking, I would have said "hey Chris, remember me? I used to be obsessed with you in high school??" I know he would remember me, but come on, Ginger! You can think of something better to say!

And something else made me think today. My teacher was telling me about someone's blog he was reading that he knew, one day they decided to post a huuuuge list of everything they hated. Which he said sounded like something i would do. I told him about my "bitch wall" that I used to have. You remember this dont you? Surely you do. I used to have an NSYNC wall too. And one day I thought that there were too many people I hated, I couldnt just put them on one piece of paper and hide it away somewhere. No, I hated every one of them too much to hide it. So I had a piece of paper with each person per page. It had the usual ones, you know like Ostipow, or nrmwb szkvi, or Ryan too at times.

Of course though, the demise of the bitch wall came. One day I decided that I hated my step-dad so much that he had to be dedicated on the wall too. He didnt like it very much, he tore my bitch wall down. it was a sad day, it felt like every one person on that wall had just defeated me. it was an awful day.

But anyways, remember my hating everyone? I still hate alot of those people, but if you ask me i might not be able to give a good reason. I could tell you why I hated them then, but most of them are lame reasons. Well, I dont have a lame reason for hating Ostipow or Ryan, I definatley have every reason in the world to hate Amanda and who do I hate most in this world?? Who else!! Gviib of course!

Thanks for walking down the yellow brick road with me. It was fun.

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