Saturday, September 11, 2004



Yeah so now I FINALLY LOGGED ONTO BLACKBOARD WITH TWO NEW CLASSES ON MY LIST!!!!! OH IT'S SO GREAT!! but really, i guess blackboard isnt so great as i thought it was.

yesterday went to Charlotte and went with Mike and saw the second Resident Evil. it was friggin awesome!! i swore in those fight scenes, i was in the matrix!

and as sad as this may sound, when i was watching it, half my mind was watching the movie as it was, and the rest of it was analyzing it into the rule of thirds, and...yeah i guess school is getting to me! i guess that's what happens when you take classes that teach you how to effectively do things to the audiance. wow, i really want to make a movie!! oh, man... i think i'm going to find out about the editing rooms, see if i cant make something for Jessica... but they're probably closed at the help desk downstairs. i can always check, it's not like i dont have a healthy set of legs!

so i went to Aunt Pam's today, hung out with mes cousines, and did laundry. People want me to go to the Frontier Days tonight to the rodeo but i dont know if mon frere would want me to drive his car more than i have already in the past two days. well, c'est tout pour maintenant! au revoir mes amis!!


note to self: I LOVE ME

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