Sunday, September 20, 2009

Johnny, Moved, Leg, Random

RIP Johnny Genge, we will miss your crazy self and your wild blonde fro and all your brilliance, as well as punk attitude on life.

We are all moved now, into our new place. Aside from our battle with ants, which we have won before so we are experienced in war games, we like the place. It is good, and we happened upon a dead agave the other day, and therefore we have a bunch of babies we are starting all around the place.

So I know not a lot of folks read this, but more brains than my one is good enough to mention this. There goes my sentence, not making sense to the normal folk. Just keep reading people... My leg has done this all throughout my life. I never bothered trying to explain it since I know some people have similar stuff happen to them. My leg occasionally locks. No, not my knee. From searching online about knee locking, i have found that 'knee locking' is nothing like what happens to me.

It has happened with me in different positions, nothing special about any of them. Sitting in a chair, sitting on the floor, squatting down for a moment, or such as last night, while i was sleeping.

I was tossing around, my legs bent up, past 90 degrees, that is a distinct issue with it, the knee is bent past 90 degrees... i went to bend my legs back out and roll over and all of a sudden one leg locked and i couldn't move and i woke up yelling in pain. it seems that it's almost the tendons catching on a muscle or something, it hurts real bad and i cannot open my leg back out without force. i have in the past, if i am able, sat there for a very long time with my leg bent all the way closed* if you can call it closed* and it eventually let me open it again without pain. i just had to relax for a real long time. i even once had to have someone rip it open because i needed to get up, it hurt very badly but was needed.

afterwards, i cannot bend this knee past about 70 degrees or so without it hurting, i often limp on it, and if it gets bent much farther than that it will lock again. i have to not bend my knee for at least a week for it to even think about not locking again for a while.

for the first time with this ever happening to me, i have splinted it today. i thought i could stretch it back once just to relieve the stiffness, but it locked again. so now i walk around with what seems to be a peg leg.

anyways, my point being that if anyone has any idea what this is, please let me know. it is not my knee, it is the underside of my knee, and it is either the muscles or the tendons or both.

anyways... i got a ticket for my windshield the other day. i don't have glass coverage so it is gonna cost an awful lot of money that i don't have to fix it. life sucks.

that's all i can stand to talk about today. my leg hurts. blah. don't think i don't see you... SIT UP! STOP SLOUCHING!!!


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