Thursday, May 20, 2010

This year has begun anew

So according to my LIFE, today is a new year. As of 4:02 am, this is a new year, the 24th year in the making. Here is something to think about:

Last year, just after my birthday, my wisdom teeth started moving in, causing lots of pain. It went on for a couple months, and then I got half of them removed in a study (and got paid for it!) in November. Until about February this year, about 3 months later, I was finally able to (at least not be afraid to) eat on that side of my mouth again. The gums still are weak and feel thinned out, and it hurts every now and then when I eat something sharp and it gets back there (like pizza crust). Otherwise, I try to eat on that side now, as sometimes I get food stuck under the gums on the side that still has the teeth impacted.

Now, the day BEFORE my birthday, (19th) my teeth on that side started moving. After a year of them stopping hurting alot, minus the every other day food under gums... the pain came back. They started doing their thing, moving, causing a ruckus. Having a party in there, whatever they are doing. It hurts! Dang it!

So here is my thought... to the year. This happens to me to the year. My body is starting the year anew and saying "hey, let's get busy on that project, remember when we met our deadline early last year and hit her with all this pain for her teeth? well let's start gettin' busy and move those other ones around some more to where i would like them. pronto! the year is almost upon us!"

Yeah I know, I'm crazy thinking that my body talks like that... or am I? It is really trippin' me out that it does this to the year, or appx within a couple weeks of the new year according to my lifespan.

So think about that one. Think about if anything similar has ever happened to you.

That's all for today. *Another day older and deeper in debt*



Unknown said...

any chance for another study?? because that sure would help once

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't read this until after I spoke to you!

GingaVitis said...

Randas - no study until around august, and they keep pushing it back more. losergeek - i know, isn't it crazy? hope you feel better.