Yay, I have seedlings!!
We planted seeds in starter thinggys... they didn't come up. We put seeds in damp paper towel...they started a bit and we pulled them and threw them in the starter thinggys.....they didn't come up. We kept watering the other seeds (about 20 or so cuz we were so mad we couldn't get any to start) and finally just took the paper towels and put them an inch under the soil.
After about 2 freaking weeks of watering them every day and wondering "hm...must be this desert..." i get one up! Then two, three this morning! Now, at 6:30 pm there are 6!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately probably all the same thing. This gives me hope in the other seeds now, since I thouht they were never going to come up. Maybe they will...
I think what we have sprouting is parsley, but not sure any more. We also planted broccholi and basil. (think fat rabbit *except basil*) or as we were taught to call it at Camp Chief Noonday..."pudgy bunny"...
mighty glad yer here...
Something that is doing MUCH better is bell peppers. We planted four but the first seedling lost a leaf and died. We planted another one in it's place but...dont know where it is. Mind you, we planted all of these at the same time (or tried to).
In Cali we tossed seeds on the ground and there were hundreds (parsley) in three days. Unfortunately, Doobie devoured every sprout he could when we were blinking, and they never got much bigger than an inch before they met the reaper...
Anyways, still hunting, technically we kinda got a job but we don't want it... sales. For the other store... :D
D has an interview on Wednesday, the guy seems to be desperate for David so I think that might be a winner. Who knows though...
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