Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome my

So life sucks. Of course. But every day things?

Ok I suppose. I have a lot of stuff I have accomplished at work in the last couple weeks. I am really happy I have done so much. Hm... what else... oh yeah... GAS IS SUPER CHEAP!!!!

I gasped when I saw that!! About a week before that I said to D--"You won't believe what I paid for gas today..." I had paid 2.10! Now---about five or so years after my ma was quoted saying "I will not drive anywhere if gas goes over $2!!" She swore she would ride her bike everywhere, even in the winter. Do you remember ma? I remember. Why, just a few weeks ago I heard you had been putting a quarter--yes, folks, 25 CENTS--in for gas. Ma, you're so cute. Well, now you can officially drive again.... not that anyone else remembers you saying you wouldn't drive or anything.....

Anywho... new stories, new adventures, new news... new people who hate me... nothing new of course. Oh, and my brother is leaving the states for an unknown amount of time.


Friday, November 14, 2008

What a mess life is

Piles of things everywhere. Piles of paperwork. Piles of dishes. Piles of laundry. Why aren't there piles of money? Life seems to always get worse when you finally think it is going to be tolerable. Forever on the decline... and I hate it. Hey! At least I've got my pretty car!!! That I killed the alternator in the other day... and had to go get a new one...all because I am an I had to buy a new alternator with money that I don't have...

Which this reminds me...while I've still got one happy thought, which has to do with my car of course, is that the other day I was at the gas station. I was in reverse getting out of a parking spot. Oh by the way...I have a really long/big car...I had to pull out far. This idiot two down backs out after he sees me backing out and doesn't back up far enough to be out of my way and starts heading towards me. Then he has to stop cuz he realized hey-I'm I stopped. Then I hit the gas hard. What happened? Something I'd never done before! I squealed the tires! Yay me! Well...I guess I have done it before in Cali...but I vaguely remember each incident and believe they were a matter of urgency...and I was never able to replicate it in the cavalier again...stupid slow moving cavalier...AHAHAHAHAAAAAA! My car goes fast when you tell it!! HAHHH!! When I pull up next to a cavalier, I align their fronts, and when I look over I can see the end of the car ends at the beginning of my back seats... hahahaa!!!

Ok I'm done. Back to being depressed...about things that shouldn't happen to me but they do...all the time...goodbye blue sky.