Also something I forgot today...... I meant to call my mother and have her rant about how to properly change the water in a fishtank... and then if she was not convincing enough, call MLS' mother to re-itterate the issue. I of course, forgot. I've been saying "i forgot" for so long that everyone knows it's just a random piece of this puzzle we call Ginger Marrie... and you're all sick of it. Especially you, thou whoest ranks highest on the unspeakable list that only a brother can envision. I cannot believe I went that far... hah! You know who you are...
Anyways... you are supposed to put the fishie in a bowl with the dirty water and start giving it clean water in the bowl and once the tank is clean slowly usher it from the dirty water into the clean water... so it doesnt go into shock and randomly die or fly out of the tank like some fishies do... so sad when that happens and you're not there to save the fishies..... guess that speech will have to wait... until then i hear ma complaining about the mailman in the back of my head...
yeah and the fact that the mailman is "ass 9"
I should get a fish at Preuss Pets, they have soooooo many!!! I might have to wait though.
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