Friday, May 09, 2008

Life's a.........then ya die............

Internet was down for a week. Too depressed and apartment too dirty to call it in. Fixed today (finally). Went to many interviews since we last spoke...nobody likes me. Talked to ma like three times on her birthday. She's a year older past old fart...15.

Aside from worthless gas-guzzling interviews (thought i was gonna say prices, didn't ya?) We borrowed this magical little black thing that looks like a laptop but plays better.....and we are three seasons into a MASH marathon. *Al was in the middle of season two so we borrowed 3-6...we're on season 5.* Maybe you'll be a bit more understanding of my humor, or lack there of since i'll never be I type I hear Hawkeye reading over my shoulder...

Also...remember a while back i made fudge? well, since i am so anti-social and david barely eats sweets, i still have a bit left. and the last few days i feel horrible. Dizzy, naucious, and my heart is beating out of my chest while my body begs for rest. Look at me, all that candy I used to eat so well, it has gone a step past coming out through the pores in my face, now i think i'm having mild heart attacks from having three nibbles of fudge...and headaches that don't go away overnight (why do you think i like to sleep so much? they go away once i wake back up normally.)

Oh also...i cut my BUNION open on a piece of glass...a broken Martinelli bottle to be exact... what a horrible place for a foot wound, not only do i put all my weight on the point because my big toe isn't where it belongs and is disobeying it's orders (thank you hawkeye) but it hurt before i cut it.

So on a brighter side, my afgan has a few more squares and i have ten sprouts now.....thats it for the good stuff.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention!!! Remember how we were to receive our backpay with the final check? Hah.

OSHA paid a visit the day before we got our checks. We weren't allowed in the building, and were told we'd get kicked out of the bar too and to not go over. We only wanted to say hi to the master printer. He was very the way he was acting it would appear that he's not allowed to print without the safety system being fixed on his press. Oh, and also...we yelled into the door for MB to know we'll see her in court. They tried to scare us by saying the DOL is waiting for us. Hah, they still think they are right. They are wrong. They made a big mistake. They've messed with people so long they forgot how to be careful...they'll have so much stuff that i don't dare even go into it too much, as who knows could be reading. Watch, you'll see. They'll be miserable that they messed with us, they represent the man.

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