Ok, so I am going to re-itterate what Lindsey always told me. Bite your tounge at the idiots, let them be idiots. You will go farther... Yes yes... I work for idiots. Something was missing. We were really busy and it wasn't the important issue at hand... and the two drama queens (that were there, there are four)(and one that was there was the boss) ran around for at LEAST an hour searching for it instead of working on the huge job that was due that day and needed everyone's help.
I said once and then just shut up...rewind the camera, watch where she put it... check on it while you work since its obviously is gone. whine whine, it takes too long to rewind, whine whine... just do it and shut up... but no. They would rather freak out and bitch about it than think about the best way to do it and follow through the most productive way they can. I shut up and kept working. They eventually gave up looking for it after around an hour and a half (seriously) and rewound the tape.
There are so many things that could be done to that shop that could make it so much better, on everyone, and more productive because you don't have to be a dramaqueen about anything, just do it... but we've tried to fix a few things and we got yelled at it for it.
So... when we leave we are taking the free programs that we installed with us. The programs that allow us to print autocad files for customers without autocad, amungst other things. Nobody will know how to operate fully the large laminator, because people are so dumb and don't care to know how to operate the machinery that they own, or make payments on (or the blueprint machine...or the docutech...)
They bitch to me about business being slow, i try to care but it's hard since they won't let us fix anything, even the small shit that would make sense... anyways... enough ranting. i am going back to reading now. Reading the da vinci code for the second time. got a library card last sunday, on our only day off. if i had more days off i could go to the library more or go for a drive or...so many things...sleep... but then again i don't make any money in the first place, so i will thus continue to wear wrist braces every night and wish the bruises on my wrists would go away and stop hurting...and david will continue to suffer with all his pains and narcalepsy instead of having a magic doctor wash them all away and everything be wonderful and go live in california and a;lsdkjf the long list goes on. some day, i won't be broken anymore. but for now, i deteriorate and feel pitiful. Bonsoir.
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