Monday, April 28, 2008


Yay, I have seedlings!!

We planted seeds in starter thinggys... they didn't come up. We put seeds in damp paper towel...they started a bit and we pulled them and threw them in the starter thinggys.....they didn't come up. We kept watering the other seeds (about 20 or so cuz we were so mad we couldn't get any to start) and finally just took the paper towels and put them an inch under the soil.

After about 2 freaking weeks of watering them every day and wondering "hm...must be this desert..." i get one up! Then two, three this morning! Now, at 6:30 pm there are 6!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately probably all the same thing. This gives me hope in the other seeds now, since I thouht they were never going to come up. Maybe they will...

I think what we have sprouting is parsley, but not sure any more. We also planted broccholi and basil. (think fat rabbit *except basil*) or as we were taught to call it at Camp Chief Noonday..."pudgy bunny"...

mighty glad yer here...

Something that is doing MUCH better is bell peppers. We planted four but the first seedling lost a leaf and died. We planted another one in it's place but...dont know where it is. Mind you, we planted all of these at the same time (or tried to).

In Cali we tossed seeds on the ground and there were hundreds (parsley) in three days. Unfortunately, Doobie devoured every sprout he could when we were blinking, and they never got much bigger than an inch before they met the reaper...

Anyways, still hunting, technically we kinda got a job but we don't want it... sales. For the other store... :D

D has an interview on Wednesday, the guy seems to be desperate for David so I think that might be a winner. Who knows though...


Saturday, April 26, 2008


So last night we were at his momma's house visiting, when I see blue and red lights flashing outside. I stand up and sneak to the door and say oooh..... and take a step onto the patio. There's more than one! They are rushing out of their car...sit back down low... then Al gets up and just walks on outside and carelessly observes them. So we both do the same. Then we see there are five shiny new Dodge Charger police cars and I counted about 8 cops that I could see at one time. They are wandering around the apartment on the very end, shining their mags about in the side yard.

Then another cop car comes flying up and immediately a cop hops out, he's holding a high powered rifle and we hear "chuck-chuck!" from the gun. He starts to sprint, yells at the woman with her puppy to get inside her house (doesn't yell at us three heads on the patio) and continues his sprint. Moments later a fat cop and an undercover come walking up from who knows where. Then they scatter.

Unfortunately, about 10 minutes of waiting, and they come back empty handed and leave (except one). It was disappointing.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Stop The SLAVERY!!

Tuesday the 22nd, I couldn't stand being a slave anymore.

I talked back (nicely, I mind you) to the old bug-eyed slave driver and told her what I was going to do whether she liked it or not. She followed me around as I gathered my things and continued to nag. I continued to hold back the desire to knock her over and break her hip, and said just the right words to really drive her nuts. Ah, no more bug-eyes constantly following me and wondering about my every move.

Maybe I'm so used to the creepy bug-eyes that I seem to think this dog's eyes aren't buggy enough... but I think you get the point. Protruding farther out of her skull than even a Boston Terrier's eyes, yet just as weird looking from head on because they're so far apart, they are always bloodshot.

We have also figured out the numbers of what they weren't paying us, and up until we quit they hadn't figured them yet. I doubt they are correct, they wouldn't share with us what they were. But if they are incorrect then we will be seeing them again. We'll find out in two weeks when we get that paycheck. We will also probably be taking up all the issues they have and pointing them out to the proper people... forcing employees to lie, hazardous equiptment (everywhere there) and maybe if we're bored discrimination too...

So for now, lots of resumes, few interviews. As long as they aren't anything like this racist b* who thinks the south won, I don't think i'll have a problem.


(ps...she still think's it's ok to have slaves, and yes she's racist, and also color blind, therefore she thinks everyone is her slave.)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gary Busey Says...

The horrible things that happen working next to a bar...

K... so we were trying to leave work for the day. Our co-worker asks if we are going to go over there. No. Get to the car, David decides to take the trash out of the car. Next thing I know, he is waving me over to everyone smoking. I get there and he says "i didn't mean to...i was just taking out the trash..." Gary Busey and his friends bought us a pitcher. He also said we had to get the trivia question..."what kitchen item was invented in 1905?"

We are all hollering out items, none match...i'm talking to Gary Busey and suddenly Donna Jean (owner of bar) is pointing at David and saying yes!! He won the 25 cent drink! PRESSURE COOKER!!

So down to the point...we were there two hours all cuz of Gary Busey. He asked how my wrists were doing, (we talked before about it) he thinks i should stop wearing the braces and just strech them and go to the doctor. That's what Gary Busey said.

As for this guy that i've been telling everyone about who looks like Alan Jackson..... this is my only picture of him.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blender Renders

On top of all the drama, I have been blending a scene to be lovely... mostly cuz i want to have a real complex one on file so people realize that yes, i can do that crap it is just real painful. I have been working on this one since i think friday... today is sunday.

Yes indeed... i am still working on it now, but i thought i'd show some of it since i am constantly thinking about it and what else i need to add... even though i have to add it very slowly on account of low ram..... donations accepted :D

it has taken on average about 15 minutes for each render. not too bad. i was thinking about adding a window looking outside... but that would probably add like one hour if i were to make outside, so i haven't dared yet. Anything to get my mind off of the horrors of real life...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lake Pleasant, AZ

Ok, apparantly the largest lake in AZ (I laughed when i saw it...) and NOTHING NORMAL grows by the water... really lame. I was told it'd be a great sight, and believe me, it was awesome for someone who hadn't seen a body of water (other than a man made "creek" surrounded in cement) since August when I left Cali... i wanted to cry when i saw the water, i missed it so much.

But, of course, i still thought it was real lame that there was nothing but cactus' growing near the water. CACTUS'!!!!! They are neat but there are too many of them and not enough trees.... MAYBE I'M DEPRIVED OF AIR from not having enough trees around me and that's why i'm cynical but damn it i miss trees i miss water!!!!!!! Look at the pictures, NO TREES!!! (except the tree that i call "the green tree" which only grows up to be a large shrub which is all around here...the bark is green...)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Clean Fishbowl

Also something I forgot today...... I meant to call my mother and have her rant about how to properly change the water in a fishtank... and then if she was not convincing enough, call MLS' mother to re-itterate the issue. I of course, forgot. I've been saying "i forgot" for so long that everyone knows it's just a random piece of this puzzle we call Ginger Marrie... and you're all sick of it. Especially you, thou whoest ranks highest on the unspeakable list that only a brother can envision. I cannot believe I went that far... hah! You know who you are...

Anyways... you are supposed to put the fishie in a bowl with the dirty water and start giving it clean water in the bowl and once the tank is clean slowly usher it from the dirty water into the clean water... so it doesnt go into shock and randomly die or fly out of the tank like some fishies do... so sad when that happens and you're not there to save the fishies..... guess that speech will have to wait... until then i hear ma complaining about the mailman in the back of my head...

Tales of True Horror of A No Good Tale-Teller...

I cannot claim this exccentric tale to be my own, however I am here to highly emphasize the details that were seemingly overlooked by the main character in entertaining it's readers. I shant be so to the point. There are times, but I'm never very good at that. It shall be told as my own.

Driving down an icy road, a car pulls out in front of me without consideration of the ice. They are barely (if at all) gaining speed, as I am having trouble losing speed, and therefore rear end them. My hood bent slightly, i pull off into the parking lot as they choose to stay in the road.

As we are discussing the facts, I have this strange sense to look over my shoulder, and as I do I witness almost an exact repeat of my incidence: realizing the hazard and because of the ice, the driver unable to avoid the same car, this time unoccupied and not moving at all, is again rear ended, and dramatically moving across the road and blocking the path of another on-coming driver. This third person swerves to miss it and slides into a fencepost off the road.

A cop drives by and lets us all know someone will be there to help shortly, and that we are out of his jurisdiction. He then continues down the road partways and pulls someone over. Someone else comes along and rear ends the cop car! All around, a worthy story of being elaborated on, especially to demonstrate the town's poor actions of cops (we waited for an hour and a half before the correct cops came).

I do ask the original character to be so bold as to tell the story right, as I am certain I have something out of place.

As for Ginger stories...I don't really have much to say about myself. We are attempting to grow veggies but I think they are burning in the sun here. I heard from a close friend that they are doing much better than we all anticipated, and also that another friend and their family are choosing the correct pathways of escaping sure disaster that is the black hole of which many are so blind to.

Have I mentioned how miserably painful getting old is? I know... shut up, you are young. David has been very miserable for a very long time, he has gone through more hell than most his age. I, even though I tend to complain an awful lot, (one of the only things i inherited from my mother's genes, her irritatingly constant desire to protest/hate anything she lays an eye on that drives many up the wall...) where was i... oh yes, me, complaining... my wrists hurt!!! I was finally thinking it was just a passing thing and was going away when i touched my wrist down on the counter and it sent this awful pain that brought a welling of tears to my eyes. I was reminded of what they taught us in animal science class, about chicks having hollow fragile tubes as legs that strengthen with age... i felt like i had baby chicken legs for arms that were breaking...

as for David, he just recently worsened his knee problem. He took two days off work, has been using a knee brace for a few days, and has a click.


If you give a rabbit a box of dirt, he will frantically dig and dig and poke his head down into the dirt like an ostrich... and dig and dig until he sees the spilt dirt on the concrete and then he will dig at the concrete... which is good for his nails... it was a great moment for him and a humoring one for us.

And of course, please remember to sit up straight.

Bonsoir. ~G

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Have I fallen off the face of the earth? Not yet...

Ok, so I am going to re-itterate what Lindsey always told me. Bite your tounge at the idiots, let them be idiots. You will go farther... Yes yes... I work for idiots. Something was missing. We were really busy and it wasn't the important issue at hand... and the two drama queens (that were there, there are four)(and one that was there was the boss) ran around for at LEAST an hour searching for it instead of working on the huge job that was due that day and needed everyone's help.

I said once and then just shut up...rewind the camera, watch where she put it... check on it while you work since its obviously is gone. whine whine, it takes too long to rewind, whine whine... just do it and shut up... but no. They would rather freak out and bitch about it than think about the best way to do it and follow through the most productive way they can. I shut up and kept working. They eventually gave up looking for it after around an hour and a half (seriously) and rewound the tape.

There are so many things that could be done to that shop that could make it so much better, on everyone, and more productive because you don't have to be a dramaqueen about anything, just do it... but we've tried to fix a few things and we got yelled at it for it.

So... when we leave we are taking the free programs that we installed with us. The programs that allow us to print autocad files for customers without autocad, amungst other things. Nobody will know how to operate fully the large laminator, because people are so dumb and don't care to know how to operate the machinery that they own, or make payments on (or the blueprint machine...or the docutech...)

They bitch to me about business being slow, i try to care but it's hard since they won't let us fix anything, even the small shit that would make sense... anyways... enough ranting. i am going back to reading now. Reading the da vinci code for the second time. got a library card last sunday, on our only day off. if i had more days off i could go to the library more or go for a drive many things...sleep... but then again i don't make any money in the first place, so i will thus continue to wear wrist braces every night and wish the bruises on my wrists would go away and stop hurting...and david will continue to suffer with all his pains and narcalepsy instead of having a magic doctor wash them all away and everything be wonderful and go live in california and a;lsdkjf the long list goes on. some day, i won't be broken anymore. but for now, i deteriorate and feel pitiful. Bonsoir.
