Saturday, January 14, 2012

How random it all is.... the world, I mean

So this morning I woke up from a complex dream, and all morning I had it on my mind. I wonder, has anyone else had this happen? All my childhood I had a vision of myself as an adult, and that moment in time - that vision - it has came and gone. It actually happened. I remembered the car, what I was wearing, what I looked like all grown up - and I even remember the moment when it happened, in California, I almost shed a tear of joy that I really had a vision of myself in the future.

Well since it has came and gone, I have slowly been seeing a new one, this time it is of my house. I don't know where it is. There's a hill, there are ALOT of trees, and a long driveway. I saw it last night again in my dream. Only this time I saw more of the driveway than ever before. I haven't seen inside, or even more than two sides of it. But this bothers me, I want it NOW! Can't wait to know what STATE it is even in! Here's to hoping it's in MICHIGAN (although I don't remember any birch or pine in this vision.......) :) ~ love you all ~

So thanks to a certain comment I have been remembering 'oh crap I forgot all about my blog'. I know it's not much but the few of you that actually read it, well, my apologies. For those of you who are just stalking me, well, I'm sure you've found a better method by now.

Side jaunt - to Unicorn Slayer - I was going to comment on your blog, then realized that I might as well just add a note to you in my post - it's probably pretty clear to you now, you caused the chain reaction in my head to go "holy crap my blog!" and post. I don't know how much you have read, but just by reading one post (going back for more after this post of mine) I realize a few things... 1. The kids of your generation are not so hopeless as I thought; as 2. you remind me of me. What grade ARE you in, anyways? HS starting at 7th grade... that's just ridiculous. You poor thing. WTF do they call the 7th graders, mini-pre-freshmen? Babies? Do they even call the freshmen - freshmen? the entire point of the name was because they are 'fresh' to the school - so in your school it should be very wrong if they actually used the term 'freshmen' on the 9th graders.

So as I said, I was going to comment, but my comment would have been far too long for my reaction to you. Every school has that Perv King, annoying sluts, stupid people who don't listen at all, etc. You know how I got a word in? I kept quiet, because they eventually run out of things to say. And they are more afraid of what they don't know (in this case, me) so when I speak, they hush up in fear. Keep that wall up so they can't just read your face, and you don't have to talk so fast. I know it might be hard not to bite your tongue off trying not to spout what you want to at them, but for me it worked pretty well in getting them to listen when I had something to say.

Oh and offensive, you are not! At least... to me :) You have the right attitude - oh you're offended by me? That's good for you. This makes you the unique person you are, and a strong one because not much is going to make you stop being you and back down from what you want.

I did, however go do school dances occasionally - only because I wanted so badly to get out of the house. People doing stupid shit like dancing barefoot in the lobby where they cannot move two inches without someone else stepping on their toes and them screaming but not being able to find their shoes because they are over in the pop hall and that would consist of walking away from all the guys they are dancing with to go ten feet to get their shoes so they just keep on dancing and have beat up toes when they get home and can't walk - but it's ok because they got a date planned from each one of those guys for next week - YEAH - I called that my sick little bit of entertainment. Instead of letting it piss me off, I just laughed at them. And you know what? Years later, I find out that all of them have multiple "babie's daddies" and no husband. GOOD FOR THEM. Hah. Facebook does wonders for seeing what happened to them all, and let me tell you, all the popular cute guys got fat & ugly or joined the military or went to jail a million times, (mostly the got fat & ugly part) and all those chicks that irritated me so much - all got fat and ugly (aka had a million babies right after high school) (sorry if you don't know this, i hate children) and are all on welfare checks and full of complaints because their drunk fat has-been babies' daddies are p-o-s's - I find it more hilarious in the long run. Sure, some of them turned out alright - like my best friend dating one of my neighbor kids (whom my sister used to babysit) for years and then they got married and had my super awesome niece and are just so super wonderful - LOVE YOU RANDAS! - but most of the skanks just went on to be skanky single ugly broke mothers.

So ponder that. :)

And now for more browsing your blog - thanks for encouraging me! :)


1 comment:

UnicornSlayer said...

Thanks GingaVitis, believe it or not, but you're my first comment from someone who wasn't my friend who i begged to read my blog and comment and follow and so on.
I'm so glad i decided to check my email! =)
I'm going to keep this short, so i can 'jaunt' at you in my next post.
Thanks for the words of wisdom too!
I'm happy that you're my first non-friend reader!
(ps, i'm in 9th grade, and I am known as a freshman... or woman, i don't really know. My understanding of my school is as vast as yours. =) )