Monday, January 09, 2012

Breif 2011 Reflection

Ok ok I know, I have not been on here in a while. My apologies!! Life is full of pulling out hairs, and I've just been too busy with that to write on here! Well... where we last left our superheroes....

Lincoln still running, not running well, but that is to be expected. She's as old as me, and we both have some severe issues.......

Well earlier in 2011 we had our first visitor. My brother. He came back from his several-year-long job overseas (over yonder in Asia). He first went to see a friend in San Fran and then he decided that before going home, he wanted to go see his sister! Because of the short notice, we didn't have much time to spend together, but we did get to hang out a little. I think we both learned some things out seeing eachother again. Oh, and got to go play like children, we went to a water park. :) And I walked him to the nearest bar to my house and I proceeded to attempt to get him drunk.... it didn't work out so well though. He is not my small size any more, so it was hard to pour a lot of alcohol into him. I think I did good though.

Well after that, my grandma and grandpa came out a month later. They were only here for a weekend but it was very nice to get to see them. Also very strange that after all this time, visitors all hit at once.

Just after Thanksgiving, I started feeling sick. I was alone in the house for a week, and I became very sick. I cranked the heat to 78 and daily went to bed at 7pm or earlier, hoping to sleep it off. I went through three bottles of cough medicine. Fever at 100 (or more, my thermometer that I bought takes an excessively long time to read). When the weekend came and the husband was home again, I found out that HE was sick too. So we both helped eachother out as much as we could, but we were a very sad looking pair at that point! We could barely hold conversations! I worked half days as the boss wanted to give me hours but didn't want everyone sick. I felt better for a week.

Then just before Christmas, I started coughing again. I tried to hold out until the weekend of Christmas, as I had a three day weekend. Friday morning, I woke up getting yelled at to quit moaning. Moaning? What? I sat up to look at the clock ~~~~~ AHHHHHOOOOWWWWWW~~~~ don't move - ok NOW I know why I was moaning - my ear!!! OH my ear! I went to the living room so I could moan in peace, and maybe relieve the pain.

This was at 1:30 in the morning. I could barely move without severe pain. I tried a heating pad and laying on that side. After several hours of severe pain, I realized I was not going to get to go back to sleep. The GINGER - not able to go to sleep. That's when you know it's bad, if I can't sleep. I can always sleep. Well at 4:30 in the morning I texted my boss to advise her of my severe ear pain and (this time accurate) fever of 100 (again) and therefore I was not able to go in. I would have been freaking out about my ear and probably not intentionally moaning/whimpering the whole time.

Pain for Friday and Saturday, as long as I was very still it would be mild. Christmas day it stopped hurting, and I was just deaf in the ear. I believe it was a week and a half total that I was mostly deaf in that ear. I am finally not sick again, it is early January. My ear still feels odd and I still am off-kilter from my equilibrium being messed with, but I think I will live. For a while I just wanted to be taken out back and shot. Here's to hoping I don't get sick a THIRD time, as it always started with a sore throat, and I have a bit of one now...


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