I realized a while ago that when you search Google for Gingavitis (it is not spelt correctly, it is correctly spelt Gingivitis, not Gingavitis) that you don't find my blog "gingavitis.blogspot.com" until the second page. So, I am going to be using the word Gingavitis a bit more frequently than I have been in the past Gingavitis blog posts. That way, if someone can't remember my site name (gingavitis.blogspot.com) but they can remember the weird name that i use (Gingavitis) they can search for me and immediately find me, Gingavitis; instead of finding a bunch of people who don't know how to spell Gingivitis correctly and are saying that they have "gingavitis" but they don't because they don't have me, or as I am going to say, lacking a vitis in their gin. Not that that makes any sense, but spelling gingavitis like so doesn't either.
In looking this up, and I can't believe I have never looked this up before in my life (i still haven't yet too much because i know it's something gross), I learned today that Gingavitis (yes i know i spelt it wrong, i have the right) is receeting of the gums and they turn purple-ish. That's the most I have ever known about Gingavitis. I also read that someone was worried they have Gingavitis just because their gums bleed when they brush their teeth. I have heard that this is an unusual occurance for most people, however I have had that problem my whole life; they call it "sensitive gums" not Gingavitis. At least I know that much about gingavitis. But if that is the case, and that means you do have Gingavitis, then here I am, Gingavitis, with Gingavitis. but I doubt that I have Gingavitis, otherwise good ole Dr. Greene next to DQ in Chartucky, MI, my dentist, would have told me I have Gingavitis a long long time ago. He has been my dentist all my life except for that month or so he made ma drive me down to Battle Creek a couple days a week for something I don't remember why....hey ma, why was that? I don't remember. I didn't have Gingavitis, did I? No, I'm kidding. I don't have Gingavitis, I haven't had Gingavitis (to the best my knowledge) and even though I go by the name Gingavitis I dont think I will ever get Gingavitis.
Do any of you know why I call myself that?
I'll tell you anyways.
When I was a little girl going to Olivet schools, someone called me Gingavitis because it's a good mix of my first and last name. I never let people know that them picking on me got to me, or as gma taught me they would keep it up. But I actually liked it a little cuz it was really funny, and tolerated it. Then I moved to Chartucky schools and nobody was clever enough there to think it up....ever......imagine that, everyone that ever heard my name in charlotte were only clever enough to think up "hah, are you Vital, Ginger?" or "hah, you must be related to dick Vyyytaaaaal" they were all too dumb to think up Gingavitis. I would tell them Gingavitis was a good one, they'd laugh, mutter "ginger vitale.....ginga-vitis...hah..." and walk away and forget it forever. But whatever......... my point is this: Gingavitis Gingavitis Gingavitis.... come on google, you are my friend!!!
Thank you all for dealing with my crazyness. And now for something completely different.
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Uh, his name is Dr. Poole, not Greene. You were in Battle Creek because I pushed you down the stairs and you chipped your tooth.
lol wow. it seems like i kinda knew that, but i guess was still stuck on the whole "skidmark" crap i never took it to the way back of my brain...........i'm so glad i got married...i'd rather have people not know how to pronounce my last name than call me skidmark. the only nick name tony said he was called was Librodi (Lib-ro-deeee) and that was by dustin at pizza hut, and it was ok, tony didn't mind. some kinds used to call him rico swuave'...sorry....rambled...
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