(sorry allison...)
This game is the greatest game online. I do suggest trying it out, it is alot more fun than you may first suspect. The best one is Yeti Sports 5....
i'm obsessed......
thank you.
I figured out what our plant is called, it's a type of agavé from mexico. it cant handle the frost, sorry you guys i cant send you one. they are a really cool plant though. it's amazing how fast they grow. When we first picked ours it had around five leaves, now (a couple months later) it has filled up it's huge pot and it has thirteen leaves. wow!!!
also, the other day i went for a walk and came back with one large aloe plant. Now, mind you, the aloes around here are very different from the ones i remember at home. As a matter of fact, i cant even remember what the ones at home look like, i've seen so many different kinds!! There were so many of them that i only grabbed one but went back with a pickle bucket (thank you deli) and put two more in it. That's right...a five gallon bucket could barely contain two of these aloes. I think i broke a few of their leaves just easing them into the bucket. And you wont belive this...on my way back with the bucket i also found a free gardening tool in the park. a limb cutter thinggy... i did fantastic for just going for a walk!!
Well, that's all for now...until next time
Ginger Marrie