Check this out...I wish i could have bathed under it...I would have except it was a tiny beach surrounded in very high cliffs, and it is a huge fine to get caught down there since they rescue so many people from there. If it wasnt part of a big park where people were coming just to see the waterfall...i would have played in it. Trust me, some day i will bathe in it...
Fourth of July...
VERY VERY VERY CRAZY.....DEFINATELY THE CRAZIEST FOURTH OF JULY I HAVE EVER HAD. Tons of fireworks, bombs going off almost hitting me and oh boy the freaks were out... loads of fun. Cant wait for another such holiday to come where people just feel the need to go crazy...
As for the Heidi....will someone tell her to call? We really miss her and dont know how to get ahold of her...and we need to know where to send the next Amtrak ticket.......WE LOVE YOU HEIDI.
Also, someone, anyone, go find Robbe and give him hugs and kisses for us. We love you and hope you are becoming Superman, Robbe. Nothin' can defeat titanium. Give it time and you will be undestructable.
I love me,
Ginger Marrie