Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Compass Scan and Car

Once again... It's been a while, I know.

It seems like we've been working on the car almost frequently lately. Not such a good thing. First we had to keep jumping my car until one day, it would not let us jump it. I was at work with Susan (and her lovely 2008 Challenger...red...with a little drool from me on it...) trying to jump my car. The men came to the rescue with a brand new battery, and we drove home. Then things strted acting funny, we thought maybe there was a bad ground, as when the concrete was wet, we lost charge. We thought we fixed it by fixing what seemed to be a terrible wiring rig under the hood, i did not have to unhook my new battery every time i was driving anymore. I started slow, daring to only leave it connected at places i knew I had a jump at. It survived a week, and so i figured it had to be fine now.

We fixed the radio, yay, cd player!! took a long time for us to do, but i'm glad it's done. then one day..... my car didn't want to start again. this time i knew it wasn't the battery, although i did kill it in the process of trying to turn it over.

Long story short... the starter is held on by two bolts. Guess what......one bold was almost completely out, the other was half way. The starter was just hanging there, all floppy and ready to fall off - not to mention, not level. We altered the position of it, but by that time the battery was too dead and we had to jump it anyways. We tightened the bolts, and now it goes 'vrrrrrmm!' with maybe two cranks. before it went on and on like the battery was dead "ra ruh ra ruh ra ruh raaa ruuuhh ra ? ruh? VRRRRMM!" i was so used to it we never thought about a problem.

So needless to say, I will eventually need a new starter since the guts to mine are probably well warped from trying to turn in the condition it was in. Also... it rained today. I had to jump my car again, both going and leaving to/from work. So I disconnected the battery tonight... hopefully that fixes it for now, meaning we still have a bad ground somewhere.

Something interesting happened recently. We had a free "compass scan". Now most of you reading might say "what's that ginger?" Well, if I understood correctly, and I might not have, it was kinda weird.. it works off of the magnetic signature that your body provides. You place your hand on this thing that reads your magnetic signature, and goes for about 5 minutes, and it tells you what your body most needs for better health. Such items could include mineral deficiencies, vitamin deficiencies, or it showing things you need to fix your system.... David's first item we saw and laughed. It said he needs 5HTP very bad! That's so true, because of his sleep problems! He hasn't been taking it lately because it's costly.

His said many things. Mine was very repetitive..... It said I needed stuff that is muscle relief as well as anti-inflammatory, and also i needed lavender and other things for the anti-stress remedies. There were I think 8 items listed for what you needed.... and all of mine related to anti-inflammatory, pain, and de-stressing.

Isn't that interesting? I thought so. I need to have valium prescribed with my job.

That's all for now!


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