Friday, May 30, 2008

Gingavitis the last post I said Gingavitis 31 times...

Google Hits for Gingavitis

I realized a while ago that when you search Google for Gingavitis (it is not spelt correctly, it is correctly spelt Gingivitis, not Gingavitis) that you don't find my blog "" until the second page. So, I am going to be using the word Gingavitis a bit more frequently than I have been in the past Gingavitis blog posts. That way, if someone can't remember my site name ( but they can remember the weird name that i use (Gingavitis) they can search for me and immediately find me, Gingavitis; instead of finding a bunch of people who don't know how to spell Gingivitis correctly and are saying that they have "gingavitis" but they don't because they don't have me, or as I am going to say, lacking a vitis in their gin. Not that that makes any sense, but spelling gingavitis like so doesn't either.

In looking this up, and I can't believe I have never looked this up before in my life (i still haven't yet too much because i know it's something gross), I learned today that Gingavitis (yes i know i spelt it wrong, i have the right) is receeting of the gums and they turn purple-ish. That's the most I have ever known about Gingavitis. I also read that someone was worried they have Gingavitis just because their gums bleed when they brush their teeth. I have heard that this is an unusual occurance for most people, however I have had that problem my whole life; they call it "sensitive gums" not Gingavitis. At least I know that much about gingavitis. But if that is the case, and that means you do have Gingavitis, then here I am, Gingavitis, with Gingavitis. but I doubt that I have Gingavitis, otherwise good ole Dr. Greene next to DQ in Chartucky, MI, my dentist, would have told me I have Gingavitis a long long time ago. He has been my dentist all my life except for that month or so he made ma drive me down to Battle Creek a couple days a week for something I don't remember why....hey ma, why was that? I don't remember. I didn't have Gingavitis, did I? No, I'm kidding. I don't have Gingavitis, I haven't had Gingavitis (to the best my knowledge) and even though I go by the name Gingavitis I dont think I will ever get Gingavitis.

Do any of you know why I call myself that?


I'll tell you anyways.

When I was a little girl going to Olivet schools, someone called me Gingavitis because it's a good mix of my first and last name. I never let people know that them picking on me got to me, or as gma taught me they would keep it up. But I actually liked it a little cuz it was really funny, and tolerated it. Then I moved to Chartucky schools and nobody was clever enough there to think it up....ever......imagine that, everyone that ever heard my name in charlotte were only clever enough to think up "hah, are you Vital, Ginger?" or "hah, you must be related to dick Vyyytaaaaal" they were all too dumb to think up Gingavitis. I would tell them Gingavitis was a good one, they'd laugh, mutter "ginger vitale.....ginga-vitis...hah..." and walk away and forget it forever. But whatever......... my point is this: Gingavitis Gingavitis Gingavitis.... come on google, you are my friend!!!

Thank you all for dealing with my crazyness. And now for something completely different.

You may return to your regular broadcast.


Google Hits for Gingavitis

I realized a while ago that when you search Google for Gingavitis (it is not spelt correctly, it is correctly spelt Gingivitis, not Gingavitis) that you don't find my blog "" until the second page. So, I am going to be using the word Gingavitis a bit more frequently than I have been in the past Gingavitis blog posts. That way, if someone can't remember my site name ( but they can remember the weird name that i use (Gingavitis) they can search for me and immediately find me, Gingavitis; instead of finding a bunch of people who don't know how to spell Gingivitis correctly and are saying that they have "gingavitis" but they don't because they don't have me, or as I am going to say, lacking a vitis in their gin. Not that that makes any sense, but spelling gingavitis like so doesn't either.

In looking this up, and I can't believe I have never looked this up before in my life (i still haven't yet too much because i know it's something gross), I learned today that Gingavitis (yes i know i spelt it wrong, i have the right) is receeting of the gums and they turn purple-ish. That's the most I have ever known about Gingavitis. I also read that someone was worried they have Gingavitis just because their gums bleed when they brush their teeth. I have heard that this is an unusual occurance for most people, however I have had that problem my whole life; they call it "sensitive gums" not Gingavitis. At least I know that much about gingavitis. But if that is the case, and that means you do have Gingavitis, then here I am, Gingavitis, with Gingavitis. but I doubt that I have Gingavitis, otherwise good ole Dr. Greene next to DQ in Chartucky, MI, my dentist, would have told me I have Gingavitis a long long time ago. He has been my dentist all my life except for that month or so he made ma drive me down to Battle Creek a couple days a week for something I don't remember why....hey ma, why was that? I don't remember. I didn't have Gingavitis, did I? No, I'm kidding. I don't have Gingavitis, I haven't had Gingavitis (to the best my knowledge) and even though I go by the name Gingavitis I dont think I will ever get Gingavitis.

Do any of you know why I call myself that?


I'll tell you anyways.

When I was a little girl going to Olivet schools, someone called me Gingavitis because it's a good mix of my first and last name. I never let people know that them picking on me got to me, or as gma taught me they would keep it up. But I actually liked it a little cuz it was really funny, and tolerated it. Then I moved to Chartucky schools and nobody was clever enough there to think it up....ever......imagine that, everyone that ever heard my name in charlotte were only clever enough to think up "hah, are you Vital, Ginger?" or "hah, you must be related to dick Vyyytaaaaal" they were all too dumb to think up Gingavitis. I would tell them Gingavitis was a good one, they'd laugh, mutter "ginger vitale.....ginga-vitis...hah..." and walk away and forget it forever. But whatever......... my point is this: Gingavitis Gingavitis Gingavitis.... come on google, you are my friend!!!

Thank you all for dealing with my crazyness. And now for something completely different.

You may return to your regular broadcast.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Don't Forget the Bow Tie...

I shall rewind to my birthday, since I'm sure everyone wants to make sure I had a good one. This is the year I will be hearing "double deuce!" whenever I am asked my age. on the morning of my birthday, we wanted to go do something. So we went bowling. After three horrible games (I never broke 100...) and a sore thumb--David had two sore fingers since he's left handed and used a right handed ball...

So we realized that there was one pool table by the bar. It was around 10 in the morning and some leagues had just gotten over. We have been searching for a perfect place to play pool and finally found it there. Nobody was in the area, nobody wanted to play pool, they were all there to bowl. So, we got to play against eachother. I won I think every game. I was doing great, he was like "you sure you aren't a shark and hid it all this time?" Yep...I can't say I learned to play well with the pool table in the basement at ma's...the rare times I got to use it Jessica and I would get in trouble because we'd end up grabbing the balls and throwing them at the other ones and they'd roll all over the place. I guess I have to say I learned to play more at Gpa S's. He taught us how to actually hold the stick right and also taught us how to bowl. I guess it makes sense why I am better at pool, there were two places for us to play for free always.

Anyways...came home, had some cheap champagne, (it wasn't even called champagne...) learned a really neat trick---

take a rasin. Pour a fresh ***fresh glass of champagne, drop rasin in.

What does it do? It goes down, then up, then down, then up...then down..then up...etc.

It was cool.

We had dinner with momma and Teresa and Al and Chris, and had ice cream and cake and gifts. A trademarked "UROCK"...picture certificate to the "glazin in the sun" that Sharon works at. They have pottery and you go in and paint it and then they throw it in the kiln and you get it back in a week, it is real neat. I went there once, it took me three trips to finish painting it, if you are a regular reader you will remember I posted about it a couple months ago or was a star thinggy.

She's always asking me to go but I never have any money, so I take it that's her way of demanding I go...because she doesn't get to have much fun time without the kids. Not that she doesn't have fun time with the kids. She needs some relaxing time.

I got a very fragrent something in the mail from someone...and though they mentioned their mother's garden was what it reminded them reminded me of all those summers right around my birthday...the last few weeks of school Jessica and I would fix our hair just right, have a few barettes in our hair, go out a few minutes early for the bus and fix a rose in our hair for the day. One from the many rosebushes in the front yard that would grow like crazy. There were red, pink and white ones, and in the back there were orange ones but we weren't supposed to pick those, unfortunately. I wonder if that bush is doing ok...I know ma had planted grapes near it, I wonder if she ever got those to come up ok...I know she was having problems with them...


The Saturday before my birthday, which was the day before Neil's birthday...(remember he's a classic now...) I had gone into a place that needed kitchen help. He hired me. Unfortunately, I couldn't start until i filled out all the dumb paperwork which wouldn't be available until Monday some time when the manager of the place was in. I didn't want to work my birthday, I told him, so I started on Wednesday serving. Before you all go "yay for ging" let me just say this:

It sucks.

Let me explain the is called "The Madison" and it is located in Sun City West. It is a senior apartment complex--let me re-itterate it...IT IS NOT A HOME or a CARE FACILITY. It is an apartment complex for old folks. There is a pool and laundry facilities and a game room and they play bingo and they have walkers and motorized wheelchairs but there are no CNAs or Caregivers. If they have a problem they call 911. They pay good money to live there (still wondering how good of money, havent figured it out yet) and they have a full kitchen and dining room with very fancy...I believe they called it on their website "3 star dining" where they have the chefs wearing the funny hats, the "chef" chef (executive chef) dressed in all white and the other chefs wearing black pants and those weird full white coats (poor guys, they must stink at the end of the night of sweat) and all the old folks (with an exception...)flock into the dining room that is super fancy with a paper menu with a few choices at their place. They sit down, fill them out, and us penguins (yes, we look ridiculous...I wanted to take a picture of the uniform on me but i am too embarassed...)come along and grab them and deal with their crap.

I am barely getting used to carrying the stuff around and remembering who came first and is waiting for me to come by so they can demand of me "what's for dessert"....I don't have any pockets in my apron, and the black pants I wear are pocketless if I am not constantly carrying around my little piece of paper with all the deserts for the day on it, I have to say "oh uh...I am sorry I dont have my list for the night let me go get that...." and of course, when they want it it is all out.


Oh I guess I should explain the uniforms to you, huh? Hair: pulled completely back with nothing hanging down, must be up high enough to not touch the collar. Shirt: crisp, clean, STARCH WHITE (for those of you who know me know how painful it is for me to wear white...) full dress shirt. Stand up collar with a flap at the front that when buttened all the way up (which is how it is supposed to be) forms a W but there is nothing else there-no normal collar. It stands up. Black pants. Black shoes. After 60 days they buy you "shoes for crews" which are non slip good shoes. Until then I am torturing myself...I went to goodwill and went up and down through all the shoes, mind you this is the largest goodwill anywhere--I know, because david used to work at it...and anything that was black and would come anywhere near my size either had a heel or had absolutely nothing for grip on the bottom. Then I finally found some that have good tread--thank you ma for teaching me the most important part about shoes-- and I read the size.....

Size 6.'s just see if they fit.. .. .. .. .. ..yep. They do. Kinda tight...but amazingly they fit! How strange, since I wear 8.5's WIDE...(wide=nasty bunions) which yes I know, you all have huge feet compared to me, whatever...I always hated you Jessica and Randas because you could wear eachother's shoes but I was stuck wearing ma's klots. She never wore flip flops, so the only ones I ever got to wear were too small for J's gigantic feet of what were they...11?? And at that time I was only in size 7. Anyways...back to the uniform...

So cram shoes into shoes that in the first hour just feel a little tight, and by the end of it all I want to tear them off. Apron- after completing putting every damn button through every damn hole, put apron on--mine is pocketless unfortunately--it goes and covers from just above knees to chest and then forms a V and at the bottom of my neck and in front of that W on the shirt goes a BOWTIE. There's a belt loop thinggy at the back of the upright collar that it goes through, and yay, we have ourselves a black bowtie with a clasp.

Isn't it so nice?

I am so glad the apron covers most of the shirt. Oh, how I hate white. They are FULL dress shirts! I don't know how anyone keeps them clean! Today one of the ladies (don't even ask me how) got vanilla ice cream and chocolate on her bow tie and shirt.

So anyways...I have barely any hours, so don't say "yay"...and since it is paid for meals, there are no tips. We're still super broke. Thinking about being a delivery driver for hungry howies which is about 1/10th a mile away. Then i'd really need to fix the a/c.

That's all for now.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Eventful gas hogging day

I had an interview at the harbor this morning. David has been reading to me 1984 since I am such a slow reader and have attempted to read it twice both failing. He is a fast reader and I really want to read it someday so he has been reading it to me. This morning it was picking up really fast. Then I had to get ready. Just as I was telling him I had to go and he was following me with the book we realized he could come with me. After all, it was a nice sight to see water when all you see most of the time is cactus' and rocks and tan colored buildings (they have building codes against anything that is not desert colored out here- you have to blend in)....So he reads to me some of the time--when we're not interupted by loud obnoxious semis that have a caution yellow sticker on the back of their truck that says "SUICIDE" with an arrow pointing to the right...then I pass him on the right just as I realize I need to turn left--and he has teeth painted on his grill and an alien peacing with his hand on the passenger door......I was horrified.


After I let him get way ahead of me and long gone, stay away from things labeled suicide, especially on a crazy road that demands of you at random to turn left lest you enter into a shopping plaza.....

Reading reading...driving...yay we make it but one section left of the book. I go down. I swear, I am losing my touch, cuz as soon as i got off the phone with the lady on Tuesday to set the interview, I forgot wether she said 11 or 11:30. So i showed up at 11. it was obviously 11:30 cuz i had to sit around for some time waiting for her to let me come in the office. Other than that the interview went great, position needs filled in a couple of weeks. I dont think I was prissy enough for them, but dont get me wrong, the interview went good.

We drove around to a new spot of the lake "Vista Point" that wasn't really a new spot, but just a very very vicious 5mph (the sign said, i went less) climb up a hill that led the Lincolin to an overlook to see the only few parts of the lake we'd already seen all in one view. We decide we'd go get a drink and munchies at the store and see about seeing the rest of this lake, since we can hardly see much of it at all from this harbor. *Note: we didn't have to pay for entrance because it was for an interview.*

We look at a sattalite map of it and see a road that goes around to the west side of the lake (we were at the "lake pleasant harbor" at the very south of the lake) and decide to drive up it for another view of it and maybe be allowed to chill by it for a bit.

We see a sign for it after going down the road 3 miles and then there is an enterance...with a guard...asking 5 bucks to get in. I really reminded myself of my grandpa when I was talking to the guy... "I don't suppose we can have a quick look around without paying..." Nope. 5 dollars. k. I am really low on gas. Where's the nearest gas station? Down on Lake Pleasant Rd. way back...I remember passing it like 10 miles or more ago...ok.

I u-turn out of there, sad, and continue on the road that went up the west side (the map in memory said so, but certainly didn't appear that way by all the mountains and turnings there were) and the road ended in two choices. Well, three if i wanted to demo my lovely car. Straight, a rock wall. Right, another enterance gate begging for money we were certain. After all, right was east and east supposedly was the lake (there were too many mountains to know for sure). We turned left. There were a few signs mentioning stuff about not entering without paying...but they were for if you left the road. It turned into red clay rock. There was a park post with a map. We got out and looked. The road continued, but of course, it had labeled all the docks there were and at each line (road) leading to the water there was a cash symbol...


We u-turned that dirt road and made it back down that dumb road. He tried to read more to me but he had to yell over the windows or we had to suffer in the hot car with windows up. We pulled over at our major junction of 74 and Lk Pleasant Rd. There was a nice large welcoming spot of dirt with tracks in it. I listened to the finale of my book, with a couple interruptions from the property owners next to where we parked....ground squirrels. They were so very tiny and were looking at us like prarie dogs!!! After watching them for 10 or so minutes a big one came running over-- we thought they looked tiny! They were the babies. We got out and threw a few doritos around their holes for them. After the finish of the book we headed towards town.

David had wanted to go to this park that is to the north for a while, and so we went on our way back. I was confused, since the name of it is Thunderbird Park yet is was north of Union Hills....we live right off of T-bird which is a few miles south of Union hills.... but whatever. We finally made it, after I was doubting its existance several times, and we acended the paved way up this hill. We got out at the end of it and instantly there were chipmunks EVERYWHERE!!! I have seen more chipmunks in that park today than I have ever seen in my life, ever even in michigan i have only seen like a few.....

Chipmunks, doves, lizards, this other ugly bird that i've seen too much of and dislike...(no it's not a pidgin!!!) we grabbed the doritos and started tossing. we made it around to a covered picnic table and sat down. there was a kfc dish that had water in it surrounded with peanut shells. obviously an expired offering to the locals. Except the water...we crushed some doritos around the area and sat down. Soon there was an ugly bird that came over, viciously breaking the chips with it's beak, then it went away and a dove came along. the dove was more elegant about eating the chips, it broke them in a less vicious manner. Then it went away and a nursing mother chipmunk came along and sniffed each of the million tiny pieces of dorito and nibbled once on one, got a long drink, and left with a big piece of dorito. We watched it go over to the other picnic tables and disappear, obviously the nest was there somewhere. The dove came back...left...then a chipmunk with a less fluffy tail came along and for some reason the tail told me it was a male. Sure enough, when he grabbed a chip, ran up the ledge, laid down on his belly with back paws out and ate the chip we could tell. He hung out a big longer eating several of the chips. I wanted to take him home...

We also saw a rabbit. It had very wide ears and was really scrawny and seemed very odd to me. Then again, I have a tiny yet fat rabbit that i'm used to. Either way I wanted to take him home also.

As for animals I am told are all around out here, I have still yet to see a scoripion, snake (other than the yellowish white one i ran over on the freeway today as it was i cared...) and a road runner. David saw one once at AG while on a smoke break, he was with Mike and he said "wtf was that???" Mike was shocked he didn't know what it was, he laughed at him and was like "it's the state bird! Dont you know a road runner when you see one?" But the thing is, it was in town when he saw it! So yeah....still waiting to see those things that supposedly are deadly things that people encounter alot around here (excluding the roadrunner which is still supposedly everywhere)...................

Someone said the other day that cats are immune to scorpions...weird...

Oh and after the long eventful day that we had, I had been wishing the whole time that my camera hadn't been out of batteries...because i have no pics from the adventure. No batteries... lame.

That's it for now


oh, and if i don't post for a while... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MON FRERE ON THE 18TH of May. He'll be a classic. Go Neil!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


We were trying to do sales one day, when we went north. We'd never been that way. We pulled into a plaza just north of Honeywell (which later-today-we had an interview) to see if any of the small shops would need our services. They were so new they were vacant. Another building down there was a store, so we approached. We paused a moment in utter confusion, then shocked laughter at what we saw. That's right... it is a fast food place. Yeah. I couldn't believe it, I had to go inside just to believe that yes, it really was a fast food place, there was nothing but a big menu that I didn't dare even glance at for fear of more discust...I wanted something paper from there to prove to myself that it was true, but instead when I came back to the area today for David AND my interview at Honeywell we took the camera along. Oh, and yes, it looked like it could rain this morning and I was so happy, and then it did when we of course parked really far away at our interview.

That's all. Good day.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Life's a.........then ya die............

Internet was down for a week. Too depressed and apartment too dirty to call it in. Fixed today (finally). Went to many interviews since we last spoke...nobody likes me. Talked to ma like three times on her birthday. She's a year older past old fart...15.

Aside from worthless gas-guzzling interviews (thought i was gonna say prices, didn't ya?) We borrowed this magical little black thing that looks like a laptop but plays better.....and we are three seasons into a MASH marathon. *Al was in the middle of season two so we borrowed 3-6...we're on season 5.* Maybe you'll be a bit more understanding of my humor, or lack there of since i'll never be I type I hear Hawkeye reading over my shoulder...

Also...remember a while back i made fudge? well, since i am so anti-social and david barely eats sweets, i still have a bit left. and the last few days i feel horrible. Dizzy, naucious, and my heart is beating out of my chest while my body begs for rest. Look at me, all that candy I used to eat so well, it has gone a step past coming out through the pores in my face, now i think i'm having mild heart attacks from having three nibbles of fudge...and headaches that don't go away overnight (why do you think i like to sleep so much? they go away once i wake back up normally.)

Oh also...i cut my BUNION open on a piece of glass...a broken Martinelli bottle to be exact... what a horrible place for a foot wound, not only do i put all my weight on the point because my big toe isn't where it belongs and is disobeying it's orders (thank you hawkeye) but it hurt before i cut it.

So on a brighter side, my afgan has a few more squares and i have ten sprouts now.....thats it for the good stuff.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention!!! Remember how we were to receive our backpay with the final check? Hah.

OSHA paid a visit the day before we got our checks. We weren't allowed in the building, and were told we'd get kicked out of the bar too and to not go over. We only wanted to say hi to the master printer. He was very the way he was acting it would appear that he's not allowed to print without the safety system being fixed on his press. Oh, and also...we yelled into the door for MB to know we'll see her in court. They tried to scare us by saying the DOL is waiting for us. Hah, they still think they are right. They are wrong. They made a big mistake. They've messed with people so long they forgot how to be careful...they'll have so much stuff that i don't dare even go into it too much, as who knows could be reading. Watch, you'll see. They'll be miserable that they messed with us, they represent the man.