Aunt alert...too depressing to let kids read.
Besides the fact that we aren't getting paid for the actual hours that we work and we are keeping records of all this bullshit so we can take it to court some day if we have to...
We were finally going to be having a little extra cash and therefore we bought ourselves something we each had been wanting for quite a while. David an mp3 player and me, one of the many things I want, a digital camera. Then as we are anxious to get our new toys in the mail we are on our way home...
There was a cop in the left lane. I was slowing down because there was a red light ahead. The cop swerves behind me and after the light flips his lights. Not good. At all.
As I said, had a little extra money...was trying to figure out how to register to this stupid state and somehow get there without skipping work... but if I had been a good Ginger and done it that monday like we (d&g) decided was my deadline... I would have been ok. It was THAT TUESDAY after my deadline that I made for myself and hah! Tickets I got:
1. Expired Registration
2. AZ Resident w/out of state plates
3. No AZ DL (AZ Resident)
These are exactly what my ticket says. Three tickets on one big pink sheet.......
Guess what the total is of them???
Yeah. Any donations greatly appreciated.
So for those who did not know, my car is I think in it's dying place. I wouldn't want to die here, it's such a horrible place. But it chose it's place so here it is. It has been having issues with the radiator. It leaked in one spot. We fixed it the way you shouldn't. We used the same old hose that is falling apart and just cut off the split part. **We drove around town first looking for the right hose and each place said some other branch had one and we'd get there and it wasn't the right hose. "But the computer says it's the right hose..." yeah buddy why does it bend there... it needs to go straight down... that's obviously not for THIS CAVALIER. But the computer says....*scratch head...look dumb...say sorry...
So after we fixed that hose it started leaking from some weird place and overheats after 10 minutes of driving even though we have to pour 1 and a half gallons of water into it just before starting it every time. Turn ignition off and it pours the water out.
So just after fixing the radiator hose and just after realizing that it's overheating somehow, we get pulled over. We immediately go to the place to smog it since they are open until seven, and at about 6:45 we got there **just before close...remember** and while waiting (it was so freaking weird, it was pretty much a drive through smog shop. never seen anything like it.) in line we started overheating. Just after deciding to shut it off they tell me to pull ahead. They start getting stuff around it and get down on their hands and knees and then the guy goes and gets the boss to come look under my car with him. He puts a couple things into the computer and comes to us and says "ok here's what's going on, your entire exaust system is shot, we can't get our equiptment on it, it would break if we tried to get it on there. You'll have to fix it before we can even touch it."
It's been so long since I looked at my muffler that I forgot it's tailpiece was gone. David knew instantly what they were complaining about and of course was upset that they wouldn't test it. To show me, we got the mag out of the car and banged on it real good like it deserved it (because it does) and hey, nothing's wrong with it. It might be rusty, but it's not so rusty that it's going to fall apart completely yet. All they needed to do was put their vaccum thinggy closer to my muffler and it would have been fine. It would have probably passed higher because some of the emissions would not be going directly down their tester tube thinggy.
The next morning we got up super early...actually, TRIED to...fell back asleep... and planned on getting an AZ licence right away, even though I want my CA one so I can prove residency and have free school there... we work at ten every morning. They open at eight. We didn't get there until 8:50 am. I was sure we'd be late for work... If you've ever been to the SOS in Marshall, MI you know this amazing wonderful feeling. I got my number. We sat down for no more than 3 minutes. My number was up!!! Of course, it was a much larger DMV than the SOS in Marshall, but still, for all the people I saw in there and for that size, i was in complete awe. The DMV in Cali was the same size and I waited for almost one hour just for them to call my number.
So hand over info, lady typing...sign please...go over there... stand against's your id. They had an id maker right there, which I have always had to wait for it in the mail before. Still...not happy about it at all...i hate this place...
My car has one month temporary registration, which expires the same day i'm supposed to go to court for my ticket. My car is just a money pit, and is not worth throwing more money at it, it'll just find another thing to have go bad. So I need to have a car that runs/smogs/registered by Feb. 22nd and have money to pay the ticket if they only knock it down to the 800 dollars that it goes down to if everything is taken care of... and have money for food since we don't get paid enough... immediately. I can't even afford a $100 car but I need something. Life sucks.
So about work... we had a happy evening with our new toys when they came in the mail. They were a good distraction, but not distracting enough from life. I'm sure I've told you about HER at work. Well, story time about the mean old lady.
Let's just call her BE, short for Bug Eyes. She breathes fire and speaks with bullets. Made David empty out the vaccum cleaner because she thought nobody ever changes it (even though the truth is that she is obsessed with the shittiest vaccum ever made--a hoover-- the bags are junk and blow out...) all blaming us for the pos hoover bag blowing out WHILE HE WAS WITH A CUSTOMER.
BE comes and yells at you while you are irritated about the 20 late jobs that are multitasking on that you need to clean up the paper by the copier and what's all this junk over here this can't be here... and someone needs to file, "we agreed that everyone would take a half hour each day and file" YEAH BUT DO YOU SEE THE FULL TABLE? DO YOU SEE I'M BUSY? DO YOU WANT TO HELP HERE OR JUST BITCH ABOUT STUFF THAT IS NOT CRUCIAL FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO RUN WHILE I'M TRYING TO IGNORE YOU SO I CAN GET A THOUSAND DOLLAR JOB DONE. HOW BOUT QUIT CLAIMING THAT YOUR COMPANY IS BROKE AND QUIT OVERLOADING YOUR THREE CSR'S WITH EVERYTHING AND HIRE TWO MORE PEOPLE AT LEAST. Or the least you could do is come out of the office and shut your mouth and just help us get stuff done. How does that sound? Sounds like a fake world to me, BE, I think you don't understand anything about running a business.
I run a 15 foot machine at work when it needs ran. I was making books for cops. I was boxing them next to my machine and setting the full boxes next to my machine where nobody needs to stand unless then need a manuel to a machine which nobody ever does. BE walks by with a mug of coffee*** and stops. Asks me why i'm putting those there. I tell her that those are the finished books and since the job is not done I am keeping them by the machine until they are all done. That way they don't get delivered on accident.
BE tells me that I should be putting them over here (which was in a very high traffic area) because that's what they always did. "But why would I do that [BE] when I can put them here out of everyone's way? they'd be in the way over there." That's the way we've always done it, blah blah blah... I ask but [BE], they would be in the way over there! They are not in the way right here!!! To which she replied, waiving her hands in the air "Run the store Ginger! Run the store! You think you know better than me so do it all and Run the store GINGER!!!"
My boxes stayed where they were.
***there is a rule that nobody is allowed to have any open beverage up front because it could spill, since we do paper products all day that's a bad thing. Not happy that she had one.
And to set the record straight, BE is NOT anyone's boss. She is the owner's mother. That's all she is. NOBODY'S boss. The owner is the boss and she cons her mother into doing her numbers for her. She doesn't do the numbers correctly either, as I stated earlier, she scams hours off of our paychecks. This we have proof of, and intend on letting the owner get a whif of how illegal that is and hm, do you want a big problem? I didn't think so. It's bad enough that we don't make as much money as we did with less bull to deal with at the deli. I miss working at the deli. I was making almost double what I am now. I want to shoot people all day long, everyday. The deli it was just every 20 customers you wanted to shoot, and you didn't have to deal with the same guy every day about the same thing over and over. Here's your food, if you like it come back if you don't then goodbye. There was no "here, sign this saying that this sandwich is ok just how we have it listed on the menu to make for you so that if we make it wrong it is your fault." There was no filing everything that ever came through the store, no complex orders that take two days just to quote. And yet I make 5 dollars less with all these issues swelling up my brain. Not to even mention the doubled stress that BE puts on top of the cake.
I have never hated a place more than Arizona. (With exclusion to Florida, because after all this time it has finally filled in completely as a marsh and now is part of the atlantic and doesn't exist anymore...they call it davy jones' old people locker.)