No, I don't mean ice cream, that's dessert. It's around 50 degrees here where you would think it would be warm since it's the farthest south i've ever been. No. Up where I was in cali was warmer there than here, and i'm almost to mexico! Boy do I miss cali...
Because it is cold and I am very thankful to finally have my leather jacket, I have been working on my afgan again. Yeah i know i'm lame, I crochet... but even worse, if my grandma could see this, she would be ashamed. I have bene occasionally working on this afgan for TWO years. Yes, that's right, I started working on it just after my 20th birthday. Ok so maybe it's more like over a year that i've been working on it, but still. It takes my gma only like 1 month if that to make one afgan. But this is my first so I am proud of it, and it will be warmer than the average afgan that has lots of holes in it, this one does not. And I am making it to be CAL-king size, since evertying else we have is cal king size...including the bed which i refer to his side of the bed as "his bed" and mine to "my bed" because it is so big. I like cal-king...lots and lots of room.
I just realized why my car is probably idling so low lately...it's probably because it's cold. I keep thinking it is going to stall just because it idles so low, but it's just been a long time since it's been in the cold, so that's probably why...hopefully.
The Docutech at work is my favorite thing now. You would think that it's just this extremely loud and heat producing machine that is old, but it is so much more. Even if you don't care, please at least click the link to see just how big the machine is. It's like 15 feet long and will bind, coallate, and print extremely fast... it is a beast but it does everything for you and i'm in love with it.
Anyways, thank you for listening, don't forget to sit up straight.