How to start this... well, let's start with the guitars.

Paul's guitar, my guitar, and David's guitar. Now they are all separate. Sad times. I cant bring myself to put Paul's pic up though.
So, after a long night of drinking to feel better, we decided we were going to head out to Arizona when the time came. We couldn't make it in CA for now, we would have to come back at it bull headed and of course, with money in pocket.

The night before we left consisted of all of the boys getting together plus other friends that happened to pop in all at once. We had never fit so many people into that trailer as we did the last night we stayed in it. Of course, Shawn started with a dribble of beer on his crisp white shirt, and later it became nothing but beer. Typical Shawnie.

We saw a gigantic black widow outside the trailer that night...we thought that would be the last one we would see for a while. Supposedly they do live in Arizona though.

So we packed up the car full of stuff and kept pushing until the back windows wouldn't roll down and the trunk took two people with all their weight to shut it. We forgot about making sure to have lots of room for Doobie, so well, the two boys had to deal with sharing space the whole way.

Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the town, and NO, it is not Pasadena, but there was a town that was going to have a rose parade, or so the banners said as I drove on through. My dad had told me to stop and smell the roses as we were heading out, we kept sending him updates along the way. I didn't stop to smell them, but it was a field of roses with so many different colors.

We stopped in a town in the mountains just before the Mojave desert called Tehachapi, CA. I was exhausted. There was a place much closer to the highway to stay, but nobody came to the front after waiting over five minutes so we ended up staying at a called Ranch Motel. It sounded like an alright place. It wasn't the greatest, but it was just one night. After dark we noticed their sign. It did not say Ranch Motel. It said RANCMOTEL. Hm...

In the town of Tehachapi, there is a cafe. I cannot tell you the name of the cafe. If you know, please let me know so I can yelp about it. It was a wonderful place, down by the railroad track that ran parallel to the road. A young boy seated us and gave us menus. He couldn't have been older than 12. He was extremely polite. For dinner we had a feast for the price. The service was so wonderful that we tipped around 40%, with half of it going directly to the boy and telling him how professional he was.

We left at 5:30 am and made it out of the Mojave by 10am. It is nothing like what you imagine when you think of a desert. We stopped for lunch at the Roadkill Cafe.

After dinner we wandered around the area and discovered a jail that I will have to explain another day since I honestly...cannot remember the story. Either way, Doobie liked it inside.

Back on the road, we made it to Flagstaff and decided to take the scenic route part of the way down down down down downshift! down... We were a couple hours away from the Grand Canyon but we chose to do that another day. This was just before we started descending 4,000 feet to Phoenix.

The scenic route was slow going and hazardous driving. As soon as I had the chance to get back onto 17 I took it. However, if we had not taken what little of the scenic route as we did, we would have missed out on serious post card footage of Arizona. I've seen some of it before but never in real life. It was an awesome way to take. I believe it was 89 if anyone is ever heading that way.

This is just outside of our apartment, just about one minute's walk away. There is another pool but I have yet to see it. This one has the hot tub. Lovely, ain't it? Except for the fact that it doesn't get over 5 foot deep, so I can't swim in it without scuffing up my feet. I'm told the other pool is better though.

Yes, I know, this is a long post. Trust me, it was more painful for me. Until next time, this is what I will leave you with. A puzzling picture of a tree we saw yesterday. A very pointy tree. If anyone knows what this is...let the Ginger know. It was in a public garden with everything labeled except for this.
It is a lovely day, I shall update some other time.
Ginger Marrie