So we didnt end up going, again, to our hiking trip that we have yet to ever go to.....but we did bottle our 10 gallons of homebrew today. After of course, we went to SC and bought a key for the rabbit that didnt work and drove all around hungry as hell....As we were waiting for everything to dry to bottle, almost as fun as watching paint dry; we somehow ended up talking about the walnut tree and i realized that i didnt even know there was one at Gordon's property. So very excited, i ran down and around the buildings and well what do you know....there are some WALNUTS STILL!!!!! unlike my property, where all the birds and squirrels all ate them long before they even started to fall from the It is as if the animals dont even know about this tree at all. I started cracking some open and mmm.....oh how much i love walnuts oh yes. I am so glad i could actually have some this year, i was so bummed out about all the animals eating ours. There is a man on the property who feeds all the birds and rabbits so i suppose all the animals just eat from him and dont really care about the walnut tree. Yay, walnuts for everyone there then.
I cant wait until the halloween party. Maybe the beer will be ready by then. And i am so very glad that I am not working on Halloween....I would freak out if i had to see all the little kids running from store to store and expecting me to give them candy because they are all hopped up on SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR oh good god i have a shiver just thinking about it. So very glad i'm not going to be passing out candy. I never want to do that.

Happy [late] birthday to Thine RANDAS. As she put it to me once, now no one can call her a teen anymore. She is finally passed all those dumb "teen" numbers. 20 years.