The other day we decided ok, time to fix the tire today and give your car a health inspection.
After tracking down a tire iron in the back of Debbie's car, we get the rear driver side tire off. David rolls it...and bounces it...
"There's no hole in this. Where is the nail?"
"What?", I say...confused. " was a freaking screw, how could it have came out."
"Well, there is no hole in this tire. Look. There is nothing in the tire either. You made me take this tire off all because you are crazy."
It was on the ground next to where the tire was on the car. Apparantly when he spun it around and around to take it off it somehow came off. There was imprints on the tire of where it was....but no puncture......YAYAYAYAYAYAAAAYYYYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor him, took the tire off and put it back on for nothing. At least it got his blood pumping and got him dirty. Off we went and brought it back new spark plugs. Too bad it's Labor Day weekend....GRRR.......stupid car shops all closed down because they are taking a day off from labor.....
i guess i cant complain too much, I (coincidentally) got the day off too. Actually I suggested to the manager that we close down shop for the day, seeings how that's what that holiday is all about...but I think most of the people that are going to work that day are going to be people that dont really believe in this's the first time i've actually celebrated it for myself.
Santa Claus does exist!!!