To everyone who may be emailing me like crazy wondering why I wont email back...this is why.
I cannot get into my gmail account. No, it's not gmail. Google is great. I love google....i just hate the library system here. It will no longer let me into google. So......all of you who may be missing their ginger her at her hotmail account. (yes, i know, it's sad to use that word..."hot--mail...." HOTMAIL SUCKS but it's only temporary.)
By the way, how is my brother? I am curious...
Also how is my sister? My cousins? Everyone? How are YOU?
Just wondering.....please let me know.
For now, i'll go and be bored some more...cha cha to Allison and send all my love to Robbe who is at Sparrow--damn I hope he will end up ok. I hope Jasper is in the right hands too...
~~Ginger Marrie