Tuesday: I woke up to an alarm clock going off at 5:48 am. Hit the snooze. After hitting it a couple more times, I shut it off. I wake up again to a clock that reads 7:20. PANIC!! I am supposed to leave at 7:20! Then I remember that my clock is twenty minutes ahead, and so I go out to the living room as usual and turn on the tv. The Today show just begun. At the bottom of my screen were delays. I stood there anxiously hoping hoping hoping...and then I read Eaton County, Charlotte Public Schools 2 hour delay no am kidnegarden no lcc...WOOO! I watched it go through twice, to assure that it was not something I had imagined (because i've done that before) and went back to bed.
Woke up with a good ten hours of sleep, when if I had had school I would have only had about six hours of sleep. I remembered something, and because I remembered it I was afraid to leave the apartment. I remembered that David told me Aaron was back in Michigan. I was told once that he couldnt be in the state without it being known by everyone, and now I find it to be true. He only told one person, but no matter who he told, it leaked to the entire circle, and now everyone knows. But he doesnt know everyone knows. Well anyways my point is that I dont want to miss him if and when he comes to see me. But what I did to was do a load of laundry and I went to Amtrak and got tickets for this weekend.
Well anyways, that is my story. I cant wait for the weekend, I get to go see David!
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