Where to start..well...after I got out of my morning class, I went to Charlotte. I went to see my Miranda. She works at the gas station on the corner now, the one that's closest to her house. Well, I saw her car parked there, and was excited. I HAD to park next to her car, I have never done that before. Bad idea...ya know how by the garbage dumpster it is a hill??... well...I SWEAR SOMEONE TOLD ME THAT WHEN YOU PARK A STICK SHIFT ON A HILL THAT DOESNT HAVE A PARKING BREAK, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PUT IT IN THE HIGHEST GEAR...
yes yes, you dont have to tell me anymore, I have heard it too many times. "NO, Ginger! You put it in first or reverse!!"
I ended up putting it in fourth. I was excited about being next to Miranda's car, and I was happy I could see my Miranda. I went inside and lingered for a bit. Not a couple minutes, and I leave. I see something horrific. The truck, I think it's rolling down the hill and there is a garbage truck at the light!! AAACH!! I run at the truck. Dumb me, dumb me! My mother and her paranoia about always locking the door and lock this and lock that because people will steal yer shit Ginger...the door was locked. Thank's ma, the one time it DOESNT help me...so I get out the key and try to unlock it thinking it is still in motion. i start it and "revvvvvvv" in a panic with my foot on the break ready to stop so i dont hit the dumpster in front of me. Truck doesnt move. I'm about to cry. I then realize that the truck had been sitting there.
The man comes out who was driving it. We explain the story to eachother. I had hit the tire of the garbage truck with the bumper of the S10. I realize I am on the corner of TWO MAIN ROADS and there are people everywhere. How embarassing!! Then I see this *silver ford taurus* coming up behind the garbage truck, and I turn away and toss my hair in my face thinking it is Dave or Wendy. (It turns out later that Miranda told me it was her mother and she didnt recognize me, yay--but now Miranda has probably told Wendy by now, sob sob...) After all the stuff was settled, he kindly moved the truck for me because I was too afraid to move it from the hill.
Then I went to where I needed to be. I went to the school to tell Mr. Backlund my grades. And just as I imagined it, I found Zane and as he hugged me, the first thing I said was "I ran into a garbage truck..." I couldnt think straight. I was trembling because I have never done something that stupid before! (Well, ok maybe not in the past week anyways...) UGH!! I am afraid of stick shifts now, I only want to drive one if it has a stupid parking break and also it has to work.
But that is the story about Friday, at least that's all I want to embark upon right now. I want to go crawl in a hole now, where nobody will find me and nobody will ever know that it was I who had the beat up S10 at the Admiral station Friday at 11am who had hit the garbage truck as it was at the light... because now you all know it was me. And those of you who knew not of the incident, now you know of it and will throw it in your goodie bag of things to make fun of Ginger for, just like when she made it all the way to Brighton before she realized that she was not going the right way to make it to Charlotte...but hey at least I didnt ball my eyes out for an hour and a half this time...I shed not one tear over it. But by now it feels to me like it happened a month ago, because alot of weird stuff happened this weekend that I dare not even begin to explain to you in this post. I will leave you with Friday morning's news, which I didnt even tell my mother when I saw her a couple hours later because I knew she would turn it on me in some sort of "i told you so but you never listen" sort of way and make me feel like i'm just another "juvinile delinquint" as she always referrs to as BAD PEOPLE. But now she knows, wether she will read this or hear from someone else, she will know now. Ugh...I gotta go find my hole in the ground now...
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