Thursday, December 09, 2004

Practical Exams

Practical exams are not the most frightning things in class...but if even I am here saying that, why are my hands still trembling, a little over an hour after I took it??

Last Tuesday, I had my practical exam for Audio class. It was très simple. I got a 47 out of 50 on it. I did one thing wrong: instead of patching into the audio mixer I patched directly to a channel. Which I knew, I just wasnt thinking clearly--I was trying to do it in the 30 minute slot that we were alotted. Which when I went to go get him to tell him I was done, he said "in record time? wow..." It took me twenty minutes to do. Now that I think about it, he did say that it takes him 30 minutes to do it so that's why he expects us to do it in 30 minutes. That surprizes me! I remember when I did a project, it took me like 90 minutes to do it, then I had to do it over cuz something i knew wasnt right with it. After he showed me what i did wrong to it, I redid it and it only took me a total of 15 minutes to do...crazy.

So today, I had my tv class practical exam. 2:40. Turned out a little later than it should have been because something was slowing him down. So I got in and did it perfect, there was only one problem: the break command for the floor director...if i had known that I would probably have gotten 100 though i dont know as he would be so giving, he probably would have gave me a 98 just cuz nobody gets a 100...i donno... well anyways yeah if I would have remembered that one--make the motion of breaking something like a i will never forget it...

But alas, for the worst is not yet over...i have to take the EXAMS next week. Tuesday for audio, Thursday for tv...AAAH!

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