Tuesday, September 28, 2004


yay today we had a test and because the monday class is a day behind us, we have to do nothing until they catch up with us. today we got in there, studied for a half hour and took the test. he said we could leave after we took the test, so here i am i got out at 1:40 or so--it only took about ten minutes or maybe fifteen--not twenty! wow... yeah it was great so now here we are in the computer lab and we're thinking about going to the bank and maybe we'll go home. what we really need to do is find someone to murder. yes precious, we need to murder GVVIB yes precious... hmm...so i may be getting a personalized plate for my car that i NOW HAVE THE TITLE FOR!! yay!! obviously, ginger is taken. i went to www.michigan.gov and looked around there until i found thier wonderful system tool that tells you immediately if that plate is taken or not. so i was there for a while, i'm thinking about GINGERM, meant to read Ginger M. and NOT gin germ like i realized it kinda looks... but if anyone has any idea for a plate for me just post a comment, i'm up for anything that will tell them "it's Ginger Marrie in that car" or "hey that must be ginger!!" if you didnt already know, i love my name! ging is taken too. SORRY MIRANDA, BUT SO IS "GGRR" :(

Ginger Marrie

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