Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pictures and Stuff..

There will be more to come but until then, here are a few to dwell on. Happy happy joy joy!!

The Ginger and her dad, Ron Parkinson

Teresa (ma) and Ginger

Jessica, Randas, and Ginger

Thank you so much Neil, this is such an awesome picture of Miranda and Tony!!

Sarah Miranda and Ginger...Sarah and Ginger gettin' the Miranda drunk the night before. We didn't do the greatest job...but we had a lot to do that night.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



So aside from knocking until my knuckles hurt on Allison's door....I had a good time. I saw my family, who was very patient in seeing me. There was a water main that flooded the hwy behind me and a brushfire along the hwy in front of me, so I couldnt go anywhere for an hour and a half. When I finally did we had a good time, grandma got me my favorite mint oreo cookies and my favorite frosted mini wheats from Meijer (because the ones from Kellogg are not as frosted as the ones from Meijer...and they're cheaper :D).

Yes...I know I have an unfinished sentence...give me a C- for it Mrs. Milarch... So yeah...I retrieved my leather jacket and saw many people including my pretty boy...Killer. We went to the church on Friday the 13th for rehearsal in which case we realized that the father is a very...mean person. We never did get that guy a cookie yeah, the music guy took control of the situation and Father mentioned that we should have everyone stand for witnessing the wedding, and out of the some at least twenty people that were there, we all forgot to tell father that we didn't want it that that's how we did it at the wedding. The three of us girls were all growling in our pews and were about to chuck our bouquets at the father when he said it. But either way, everything went pretty good. Sarah and I claimed the dance floor pretty much to ourselves. It was fun. Everyone thought i was drunk at the reception. WRONG. Just because nobody's seen me drink before doesnt mean I was drunk. I wasn't drunk until after we got to Butternut, in which case I had to play bartender since nobody else knew how to make the drinks which automatically meant that i were to be very drunk. Anyways......

And I missed my plane. I caught the next one out a few hours later. Worked for like an hour when i got to work finally, and went back home. i was very tired.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Goes together like a horse and carriage....

Yes is in the air, can you smell it? I can. It smells kinda like tanning lotion....oh wait...

Well Miss Randas is going to be wearing all white soon. And I'm going to be right next to her when she does. For those who don't follow, I'm coming home to be the maid of honor in Miranda's wedding! I understand, there are many people who would like to see me while I'm home, and I'll try my best. Let us not forget about the reason why I will be home though.

The youngest of us three girls, and the last for us to expect to get married first. But none the less, she has our support. Tony's put up with a lot of Dealing with my crazy self is a lot to do, believe me, I have someone who reminds me about that every day.

They have been together for over three years and haven't killed eachother yet, or crashed anyone's car over the relationship. That means they can deal with each other and troubleshoot together. Another thing I know they can handle is taking care of each other. They already act like they are an old couple, Miranda knows exactly what kind of food she needs to make to make sure he eats everything.

I have learned recently that every boy becomes a man but still needs a motherly figure, and whether mother is there or not, they need a woman to make sure they eat their fruit every day...or take their medicine when they need to...which is why I don't want to be a mother for a long time, I already have enough to take care of.

Off topic...just thought i'd mention that hah...I know the owner of a tanning salon so I get free tans!!! Although tanners really freak me out...all sorts of weird sounds and doors creaking open and closed, it always sounds like someone is coming into my room. I guess that's why they have radio/cd players in every room...but there is only one station out here that is good and it hardly comes in, so I am stuck with silence with a slight hint of ghetto music in the air from other rooms....I have to deal with enough of that stuff at work. I prefer the mexican music to the ghetto music.

Anyways...rambling...I'll see you all very soon...i love me

Ginger Marrie