Monday, September 26, 2005


Well, today I took my first test in Music History class, and boy was it EASY!!! I thought it would be extremely hard…but no sir! I mastered half of the listening questions before he even began to play the music, and as for the matching part, I guarantee no less than ¾ of it I have correct. Then there was the essay. I have good faith that I did well on it, although I don’t know if I covered exactly what he wanted me to cover…but I guess I’ll know Monday. David and I are guessing against the other as to who did better. I have no idea. Now my only concern is my Sociology test this Wednesday…boy oh boy am I excited about that test… (Yawn…)

I hate Sociology. I never understood how awful it was…I thought that it would be cool because it is related to psychology…nope. It is all about dumb sociologists ASSUMING that most people are “creations of society” and blah blah blah, as if I was formed by society’s rules. Sure, I get up and dress myself every day according to what society finds appropriate, and in that sort of aspect I do abide by society’s rules. But the book (and my teacher who supports this a great deal, it seems) tells us that religion, society, government, and the worst of all…MEDIA are all “needs”…

GODFORBID that someone go a week without knowing what is new with Britney Spears, or knowing what some chick who was married once to some director and divorced him twenty minutes later and now is really famous for being in one movie and for her ex husband…what she wore to some stupid gathering of celebrities, and “oh my god did she look gorgeous with the new fall trends” or whatever the hell…

GODFORBID that someone go an entire WEEKEND without knowing what has happened in the world around them…like when that tsunami thing happened a year ago, where was little miss Ginger?? She was away from the world under some rock somewhere and never found out about it until weeks later, and to this day she still is unsure as to what day it happened on, I think it was Christmas but I don’t know. I was enjoying my new year and I’m sure I didn’t find out about it until I went back to school at least two weeks later…or last year on Halloween weekend, it was the same weekend of the MSU vs. U of M game, and those of you who know Ginger know that she likes U of M, and mainly, she LOVES football. I went the entire weekend (yes I know I was being disgraceful…but it kept me warm…) WEARING A MSU SWEATSHIRT, camping, and even when I re-entered society on Sunday night, NOBODY could tell me who won the damn game. OBVIOUSLY I’m not the only one who likes to hide under my rock and pretend there is no world, only me and my rock…

But DAMN IT, back to sociology. He gave us five choices that are all very harsh, expecting us to ASSUME waaay too much. The only one I can half tolerate is the one I’m stuck with. “what is in your closet…” which tells you to ASSUME by looking at the clothes what kind of person it is who wears them. ASSUME that the person who wears the clothes I like to wear is semi modest, follows trends, is active in society, yadda yadda yadda… I don’t even know really HOW to assume, or judge character just by looking. In fact I remember around 10th grade is when I taught myself NOT to do that because it pissed me off too much. GINGER DOES NOT JUDGE PEOPLE, SHE DOES NOT ASSUME ANYTHING, SHE ONLY TAKES IN WHAT IS GIVEN TO HER AND PUTS WHAT SHE ALREADY HAS TOGETHER TO FORM HER OPINON.

Did I mention I hate sociology??

That is all I have to say for now.

(ps. To YOU: (you know who you are) giving up on duties not fulfilled means you give up all things sacred to you. Time cannot turn backwards; you must continue living onward with what makes you happy now, even if it is the small things in life. Focus your energy on this, for you will never regret it. After all, it is the fruit of life, you must enjoy it’s every splendid grace it gives you. Your duty has been forfeited; you must find a new path. It may take a long time to find, but you must not go the easy way, it is not the right way. It has long since grown over and forgotten since the last time it has been walked. Find a new duty.)

Ginger Marrie

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thank you Tony

Thank you so much Tony. I am glad to know that you are finally willing to talk to me. Maybe you were before, I'm not sure. But I'm glad you did. If you are willing to let me express my opinons to you, politely of course, please email me so as I can email you back. We have some things I would like to discuss with you, if you are willing of course. I'm glad you are understanding me, although I'm not sure Miranda cares anymore. So even if we work our problems out, I think in the end you win. I dont think Miranda likes me anymore.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Goodbye Summer

Well, what a wonderful summer. They just keep getting better and better. Once David and I started our travelling around Michigan, we thought that was it. No, it wasnt. We had fun every weekend with our friends, hanging out, tubing, camping...and now I have finally realized that Monday morning, I have to get up and out of bed at a specific time...and get to class.The summer is gone now, classes are starting. Oh boy...but things we planned in the summer are not yet done. The rennisance festival (yes i know i cant spell that word) is this weekend, I dont think we're going to it. Next weekend is labor day weekend--i think--which is WHEATLAND. Very excited about that. But after that, summer is really gone. It's getting cold at night again.

Well, see you on campus.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Tra, la la la bomba...yes indeed...

Well well well...if it isnt Ginger...the long lost Ginger, last known to be miserably in East Lansing...

Now now now...before you all explode my head with all the million questions you have to ask me...let me tell you the answer to the number one question...what have you been up to??

Going places.

Oh what, you dont like my short answer??? FOR ONCE, you want a looonnnnnnng answer from me???



Well, after I got my car...did you know about my car??? ah shit...gotta check the last post now, hang on--ok. So you know OF my thinking of getting my car running...well, it's running. If you ever see a car going down the road and you see funny people dancing around inside even though they have no radio...and the plate says GMARRIE (ginger marrie for those of you who must know...and yes, GINGER was taken duh...) that's me!! You can say there goes GINGER!!! Ha ha... So... when I got my car running...filled the tank...packed it up...and off I went. I went to Ludington to see Kevo and Nick and their mom and help them fix up the house so they could sell it. J was there and David was already there too. G came up one day to visit us, I was really excited to see him.

One day someone got mad and that day David and I left that town in the dust-with a little help from David's mama...(thanks mama) and he turned to me and said "this lake's getting old. Let's go see the other one." So we went to the other side of the state--making stops along the way where necesary. We saw my Marta and we saw [Mr. Luv] and then we went non stop from there to the home of our H. That's right, Port Huron. Ma chère, Heidi. From there it was back and forth back and forth between [here] and PH.

Hm... what else can I say really, other than that David is working doing cable ladies, when you move back into your dorms at MSU and these two to-die-for handsome men come to hook up your cable, BACK OFF. I will find you if you dont...

So that's the story of a man named Brady and his lovely lady...too much. mind is currently being tainted by spongebob......AAAAH!!!!!

Any questions, feel free to comment or email me...


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What's Up

For my wonderful readers out there who are sad that I went a few weeks without posting, FEAR NOT! I am back. So here's the story...

Graduated. woo...Miranda is being a huge bitch--well I cant say for sure but i know she is ignoring me. Some day Miranda you will wonder why you never stood up for me through all the times I backed you up. Everyone needs just one good friend and you (or maybe it was Tony???) have taken that from me.

Back to the story. MIRANDA did not go to her Ginger's graduation. She did not go to her open house either. Her wonderful parents did, whom I have always thought of just as though they were my own. I was very upset at graduation, it all started when I called Miranda and she wasnt coming. Then when Phish and everyone kept asking what what what is wrong with gin gin ginger they soon realized wrong thing to ask shit...but my mouth was already open..."my best fking friend is not here, David's not here...this really FKING SUCKS!!!!!!!" I go home, shamelessly blubbering about Miranda betraying me and David tells me he has something to show me. As soon as I left for graduation he grabbed my camera and headed to the wharton center on foot. There I was, walking across stage. That made me feel better. Well anyways, open house, got to see my precious MARTA who I hadnt seen for a whole happy. Todd Joey Phish Bob Amber Mrs. Milarch MY FATHER'S MOTHER AND HER DAUGHTER (that shocked me) Danny (of course) David's mama AND CHRIS :D (David too of course!!) and Jared were all there and I was glad. People who I am saddened that did not show are: Travis Zane Jordan (kindof Vicki) and people I should revoke all privilages from who did not show are: MIRANDA LEIGH SKIDMORE.

After that we went to [indisclosed hideout] in Charlotte and the next day we went to Battle Creek and then David left with [them] and now I am trying to get my car on the road so I can go [there] and be with [them] and work for [them] too. Yes, I will be getting money. I'm not just running off and doing a song and dance when I come back. I will be getting paid for my being [there]. So now I have to get my title working for me and put the paper plate in the window and go. (yes!) So for all my loyal readers that's the story. Enjoy and do with it as you will. For those of you who stumbled onto my blog and have since forgotten how you got here, thanks for reading. You may feel a slight bit of psychoticness if you continue reading, especially if you read the very next post. Dont worry about it, it's better to go with it than to fight it. If you wonder, yes the psychoticness is a gift from me to you. Enjoy.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Stupid/Crazy People

Oh maaan...some people. Well, I guess I should start with the easiest part first...not long after I got on the bus there was this man. He got on. He appeared drunk but maybe he wasnt, maybe it was something else instead. Well anyways, he was sure that this one guy who he didnt know had played basketball or football, and kept asking him very loudly what his number was when he played. I was happy to get off the bus. But alas, for after the bus drove off I could still hear his voice!! I turned around and he was yelling to a couple walking their dogs across the street, and he said "hey, wait a minute lemme pet'cho dogs! let me pet'cho dogs, WAIT!" and they kept walking but he went after them because...apparantly he wanted to pet the dogs.

There...that's the easy part. I'm sure you may have figured by now that the previous paragraph takes care of the "crazy people" part of my title...the harder part is for me to say this in my blog about how stupid someone is. I am so sick of their bullshit, all the stress they put upon someone. How can someone be so selfish and not realize that it is THEIR fault??

I'm sorry Miranda, but I have to. Wether he reads my blog or not, if he hears it enough times, it's gotta click somewhere...

Tony. Ahh, wonderful Tony. You know, I liked Tony once. Yep, I had a crush on him when we rode the bus together. He would always sit with me because he was the ONLY person who I would allow to sit with me in the wonderful heat seat. That was originally because he never had anywhere to sit and I felt bad that everyone didnt want him to sit there because they were selfish. (oh wow...i cant believe i made a connection to something that SHOWS you Tony......) That's right...everyone on the bus was selfish and wouldnt let him sit with them. But I did. Why would I do such a thing? Because I'm not selfish. Because I dont want people to treat people like that. So I let him sit with me because I know how it feels to not have somewhere to sit because all around you are SELFISH people that would rather sit with a bland piece of material with many papers in it that doesnt talk to you or entertain you or even just make you not so lonely...than with YOU. I hate people like that. I can understand sometimes, but when there's nowhere to sit, COME on now....but i'm getting off track. I liked Tony. I'm pretty sure he liked me too. I must admit, I was a little jealous when Miranda and him got together, but by then I was mostly over it because I had found an asshole of my own to deal with. Dont worry, I'm not going to say you are as bad of a person as he is. He is a very bad person, and a verrrrrrry verrrrrry stupid person. I will admit Tony, you are smart, your problem is you are not LOGICAL. Would you like me to explain? Well, want it or not, you'll still keep reading to know what the hell else I would say about you/to you anyways I'm sure. Well, let me get the dictionary out and define this word of which you lack in your vocabulary....

Logic (from ancient Greek λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word, or what is spoken, but coming to mean thought or reason) is the study of arguments. Its primary task is to set up systems and criteria for distinguishing good from bad arguments. Arguments express inferences — the processes whereby new assertions are produced from already established ones. As such, of particular concern in logic is the structure of arguments — the formal relations between the newly produced assertions and the previously established ones, where "formal" means that the relations are independent of the assertions themselves. Just as important is the investigation of validity of inference, including various possible definitions of validity and practical conditions for its determination. It is thus seen that logic plays an important role in epistemology in that it provides a mechanism for extension of knowledge.

As a byproduct, logic provides prescriptions for reasoning, that is, how people – as well as other intelligent beings, machines, and systems – ought to reason. Such prescriptions are not essential to logic itself, however; rather, they are an application. How people actually reason is usually studied in other fields, including cognitive psychology.

Traditionally, logic is studied as a branch of philosophy. Since the mid-1800s logic has been commonly studied in mathematics, and, even more recently, in computer science. As a science, logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments and devises schemata by which these are codified. The scope of logic can therefore be very large, including reasoning about probability and causality. Also studied in logic are the structure of fallacious arguments and paradoxes. The ancient Greeks divided dialectic into logic and rhetoric. Rhetoric, concerned with persuasive arguments, would currently be seen as contrasted with logic, in some sense, as is dialectic in most of its acquired meanings.

So....reason. Having to do with a person's reasoning. What do you have to say about your reasoning Tony? I have things to say about it. See people, Tony believes that if he is with someone he owns them and they are supposed to forget everything else and be with him nonstop. Basically, he wants someone to put a leash on and show off to everyone and for them to entertain him. If that's not how it is Tony, then tell me how it really is then. You say you are not selfish. Look at what you do to her, and look at what she does to you. What DOES she do to you? She loves you. She picks you up EVERY day. And if you have a few dates written down in which she DIDNT pick you up, SO WHAT. She takes the time out of her life every day to spend time for you. She does what she can to spend time with you. But when she CANNOT do something with you, what do you do? Tell me, Tony. What DO you DO? I'm sure I can tell you. Wether it is what you do EVERY time or not, I'm sure it happens more than once. What Tony does, everyone, is he throws a fit. He gets upset and starts going on about how Miranda doesnt want to be with him and she'd rather do this and that than spend time with him, or that she's excluding him or WHATEVER he can think of the quickest. THAT is what you do Tony. That. And if at all, you find me to be so totally wrong and off my rocker, let me know, cuz I sure as hell want to know the truth. But i'm pretty sure I have the truth here in front of me and I cannot stand you not realizing the truth any longer. This is not against you Rebecca, I barely know you. This is for your son. This is the truth. This is how I feel, this is the way things are and I am sick of it. They have been together for a year and I cannot handle him treating her this way any more. She's not allowed to be my friend? WHY? Because ONE time--ONE FKING TIME I decided that I wanted her to come over and not him. If anyone realizes who he is, they would understand immediately a few reasons as to why I would not want him there. First of all, I was the only chick there. I missed my Miranda. I hadnt hung out with her in a while and I wanted to see her. She was capable of seeing me, but I did not want Tony there because I could see that he was not a good person, and I also knew he would not like any of the people there. And yes, I did want her to get flirted with. I understand that Tony may not like me because of that. That's fine. Because as time has gone on I went from having a crush on this boy who sat with me on the bus to pretty much hating him. Dont get me wrong, if he treated Miranda right I would get along with him just fine, wether he liked me or not. In fact I did get along with him great, I liked him for a long time, even though he cant stand me. The only reason why I liked him though, was because my best friend loves him and cares for him. The rare moments when we were around eachother he would usually split immediately. I was polite, I tried to converse with him but he had no part of it. It's like as if he doesnt even like Miranda when she (wether you know it or not, Tony, she is alot like me) acts like herself. Bubbly, happy, hyper. Even when she is mad, she usually finds enough energy to do a bunch of things. And all i ever know now of her is depressed or stressed. In the minutes where he was not on her mind today, I could see her smile shine. In the was the Miranda I remember. But Tony, you remember today. You kept calling her constantly. Concerned with wether she was still with me or not. Where are you. Are you still with her. I skipped class today. Why? Because i'm not logical, i was upset at miranda and skipped because well i dont know really why i just did,/.....probably because he was so angry that Miranda would dare to have a friend. A fking friend. So what if he doesnt like me, she loves me. What I see is her loving him and accepting all the things he does and trying to make everything he wants to do possible, but she has a hard time doing things because he doesnt want to do them. So what! She doesnt always want to do things you do. She doesnt want to sit there and watch you work on a car, wow how exciting. Her friend is having a baby, and she runs up, dropping everything else to go be with her friend. Is that OR IS THAT NOT what any normal person would do? But understand, folks, that Tony doesnt always think LOGICALLY. No, no no. He gets upset that Miranda (AND GINGER TOO MIND YOU, SOMETHING ELSE FOR TONY TO BITCH ABOUT) goes without telling him to Lansing to see her. Uh, yah! At least my lovely friend Miranda knows how to think logically. I think her daddy taught her that. This is how i would think as i'm pretty sure Miranda's thoughts were similar to this: Gotta go see Sarah, I should go get Tony, no, he is in school he cant miss his class, (this is the part she even mentioned to him too) and besides, Ginger is with me and he would just be mad and not want to come because she'll be there and he wont want to be near her at all, and he'll just kill the bright mood everyone is in. (oh sorry, that part was me thinking but then again she might think that, it's not very far from it i'm absolutely sure, tony) SOOO, I'll just go up and see Sarah and everything will be good she'll have the baby and we'll all say "yay" and be happy and i'll come home and Tony will be home or just be getting out of class and ask "how's sarah" and i'll say "yay" and we'll be happy and everyone will be happy end of story. That's how she would have thought. Pretty sure that is how she did think. The day:

Get to Miranda's at 9 something. Tony is calling calling calling as she's in the shower and i'm knocking on the door. she cant hear a damn thing. I know that I could go in and sit down but what if her ma was there, or--oh man, i can see her having a heart attack walking out of the bathroom and me on her couch. That would scare the shit out of her, i wont do that, so eventually she heard the phone answered, Tony of course, who else. She tells him i'm there and he says k, love you bye as though he doesnt want to talk to her because Ginger could taint the phone lines. oooo, eeeeevil and mysterious Ginger, sooo magical she she calls Sarah anyways and oh no, they took her down to delivery twenty minutes ago!! Rush rush out the door, on our way. Tony calls. wah wah wah wah, yell at her some more about stupid shit, bye, curves freeway weee fast car Lansing! Yay, that was fun Miranda i like your fast car. Hospital, Sarah, Tom, his sister, Tony's mom Rebecca. Oh no, I think. But we smiled, thankfully the day is Sarah's, otherwise if it were someone else's then maybe she would have tried to defend someone who does not deserve defending again. La la la, tony tony tony blah blah blah, pretty much I'm so sick of thinking about all the shit he put her through today AS WELL AS all the other shit on all the other days that he has EVER gave her shit----WHICH BY THE WAY, i know is more than just when it comes to ME.

Understand, Tony, you have potential to do many things. You are a strong willed person and besides the fact that in the title of this post I referred to you as stupid, you are intelligent. I never had a problem with you until you laid all your selfish needs down upon her and treating her verrrry BADLY. Yes, Tony, BADLY. Making her think that you dont deserve to live, that you have nothing else to live for other than her, YES tony, that IS treating her badly. Do you KNOW what that does to someone? I dont think you realize that. I've seen someone get blamed for a death, it is wrong and it is torture. That is such a horrible thing, someone you love more than anyone ever before dies, and as you mourn the death people blame you for it. So wrong. They know you had nothing to do with it but they point fingers. Well, you did not die and she did not get blamed for it, but you made her know that if you were to die it would be because of her. Because godforbid you break up. And folks, realize that he told this to her after only like a month of being with her. That was before the incident happened. How can someone treat another person like that? And get so upset because GINGER is with Miranda. Obviously you are aware of some of the truth if you told Miranda that this is how people think, that she isnt allowed to do things and she isnt allowed to have friends and every breath the takes is so that she can keep living long enough to hang out with tony again--not that she's allowed to be away from him for more than four hours without talking to him. Because that is how he is, OBSESSIVE. Define, you say Tony? What is this word?? Get a dictionary. Because that is what you are doing. BEING OBSESSIVE. You act like you own her and she is your slave and that godforbid she do anything without telling you------oh my god tony, her friend is having a baby and you flip out that she didnt call you and tell you she was going up there---my god, you are supposed to be in school. Wether you were or not, you needed to be. Why is she going to call you WHILE YOU ARE IN CLASS to tell you what she is going to do for the very moment. What's Tony's number, Miranda, I want to call him right now and tell him that in five minutes I might have to go to the bathroom, and later today I am going to eat food, and maybe sleep too but I'm not sure yet if I should sleep or write more about the truth. I need his consent, wether i should go back to the apartment or walk around lansing for hours...not that i want to but hah, maybe that's waht he wants me to do. i'm sure he probably wants me to die by now. But, simliar to what you told Miranda today, IT'S THE TRUTH. YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IT. Which tony, it IS the truth, this is how I feel, this is how EVERYONE sees it, this IS how you treat her, AND IT NEEDS TO STOP. She loves you. The way I see it, you dont love her. YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH HER. Wether you are very mature for your age or not, I dont care--I was that too once upon a time and there were still things that were very childish of me. You too. You are still at the point where you are not in love, you are obsessing over her. You think you love her and maybe you do, I cant tell how you feel. But you sure as hell act as though the only thing you are is obsessed. And you need to treat her better, give her (what you THINK you took from her--) her freedom--back. She has a life, she needs to live it, wether you want her to or not. Stop obsessing with her, just love her for loving you if nothing else. Forget that she cant do EVERYTHING you want her to do--because that is how the world works. Not everything can bend the way she bends her life for you.

Hate me or not, as long as you treat her good and she likes you, your cool with me. But until the day comes that you decide to stop your selfish ways and realize that you cannot live in this world without independance, you and I are at war. You've been trying to declair it on me for months and finally I've had enough of you treating my best friend the way you do, so it is official now, even though all this time you have not liked me and i have liked you--not alot, but enough to accept that you are a smart guy who loves my Miranda. But not after today. I am sick of all the shit you do to stress her out beyond belief. She did nothing. All the other times you yelled at her for the dumbest things, SHE DID N-O-T-H-I-N-G WRONG. She does not deserve all the headaches and all the worries and all the sacrifices that you put on her. I have had enough of it, and it is time you wake up from this sick fucking game you are playing and realize that life will be a lot fucking easier for you if you give up trying to control her life and just love her for being Miranda. Cuz I love her, just for being her. She is a free person and she should not be anyone but who she is. I dont want her being the Miranda with a cloud over her head, that's not her. That cloud is you. Let the sun shine, Tony, let her live her life, let her be Miranda, decide wether you love her for being Miranda or not and quit trying to make her do things.

I'll accept you, but only after you decide to treat her the way she needs to be treated. She loves you, she told me today that she likes everything about you--but damn it tony, when you do stupid shit like you did today, everyone swears you are just a child throwing a fit. and you know what they do to kids like that? When the toy is broken and the child brings it to someone pissy and wants them to fix it but doesnt ask just tosses it around and expects it to get fixed because the problem is obvious to the adult--what would you do? Probably not what you should do. Let the child ask you. Otherwise it'll think that anything it wants will be given to it without asking, that it expects you to cater to it always. And that ishow the child will grow up, always thinking that.....who always fixed your toys when they were broken Tony?

Ok, i've been in here for two hours typing non stop. I think it's time to go. Seriously, i opened this window at 4:14 pm my time thing says and what time is it now---6:07. This is what I cannot stop thinking about and I had to say it somewhere. I am so sick of Tony not realizing what he is doing. And if he does know what he is doing, than he is a VERY sick person and needs to be hospitalized...but I really dont think he knows what he is doing. Why else would i write two hours nonstop about the truth for him?

Ginger Marrie

ps. Graduation tomorrow at the wharton, 8pm BE THERE and if you come, come upstairs and see me!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

P.S.....i'm starving.....send me an email full of food please....

Well, it turned out alright. Birthday went ok, weekend went better…ma and Jerry came up for my birthday and we went to Finley’s. Saturday grandma and grandpa had a wedding to go to and they stopped by, then Sunday, oh Sunday…Aunt Pam brought us down at ten and we stopped by someone’s place for David to get better clothes, and because we did not plan it all out we had no ride and it took forever and we got there an hour late. I was really upset about it, but well, I guess things all worked out. Thursday I have to go to the high school in the AM and then Friday is blah blah blaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~~~~yeah. Life sucks…listen to my mother “life’s a bitch and then ya die”

Thank you ma, everyone have a dyslexic—what the-where’d that come from!!—everyone have a happy happy joy joy day…


Friday, May 20, 2005


Ok, so I’m a little silly……so what? It’s my birthday today! I have that right to be silly today! After I get out of class, my mother is coming up some time today…don’t know when. David is coming with me, yay…I think he’s a little afraid to go to grandma’s 50th anniversary party on Sunday though. He may be popular, but he’s shy. But we wont embarrass him any further, even though he never reads this. Well work on the suprize is hard…don’t want to think about it right now…as for anything else…’s my birthday! I got a fortune cookie in here today and you know what it says??? Stupid stuff::::: The most we can do is our best! (not gonna tell you my lucky numbers…) the back says:::: “Learning Chinese::::Furniture ja jew”

Isn’t that a good fortune for my birthday?? No, I don’t think so. Well leaving..


Tuesday, May 17, 2005


What does Ginger want for her birthday??

Ø all the evil people in the world to DIE
Ø my problems that i have----all of them--- to go away and never come back
Ø for Miranda to do what she has been needing to do for a year (dream on Ging)
Ø for a bunch of people to post comments on my blog and make me feel special????
Ø to finally get to do what i have been wanting to do for four months
Ø for everyone to get along again like we used to--Jessica, Miranda, Ginger--
Ø david to tell me that this shit is just my imagination, and prove it too..
Ø for a certain person in the cold die
Ø for all of THEM to quit treating me like i am the only superbitch in mid-michigan
Ø for Godzilla to kill ALL of THEM...

i think it's getting a little repititious..

also, there are a few other things that i have wanted for a while for my birthday... go here...

what else....tell you later when i remember.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Hey, yo,!

I should NOT be here right now. I am in the computer lab and I know that David is awake by now panicking about Rob and wondering why I'm not already there...

weekend. Dang it, another weekend eludes my memory...kinda...dont remember Friday night, if anyone else remembers it for me post a comment...Saturday went with David to Rob's house, yesterday came back really stressed out...and went with Neil to Auntie Pammie's house and had dinner with them for our birthdays....yes that's right....our birthdays are very near........remember what i told you I wanted?? "NO?? WHADDO YA MEAN, NO!!!!" caught me, mocking Dave...

Wow, what a busy week. I have alot to do. Neil's birthday, my birthday (ON FRIDAY...) , then on Sunday is grandma's birthday...AND HER wedding anniversary. Not just any wedding anniversary though...HER 50th!!!! Grandma and Grandpa have been married for 50 years...and all my aunts and my uncle are nearing that number themselves...that's a long time.

ALSO, something else that I have going on this week is to put the final touches on my SUPRIZE for the Anniversary party. I have been trying to finish the stupid thing for so long, but I keep getting interrupted. And no, this is not MY fault. But I can guarantee that it will all be in order when the time comes for it to be ready. hehehe.....YOU WILL ALL LOVE IT.

well...I should be getting out of the computer lab, David's probably looking at the clock right now saying "she's usually back by now..."


Friday, May 13, 2005

What a great band

Keane...I really like them. They sound so peaceful, in the two songs i've heard of's awesome.

My eye hurts's my left eye this time, i think it's just cuz there was probably something on the contact when i put them in or something and didnt notice it until now. hurts so bad to close it...:(

Today is FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH...OOOOO...i bet i know what Jerry's watching...either a marathon of nothing but Jason killing people or else twilight zone/that other show that i cant think of the name... marathons....i'm sure they're on. They ALWAYS play Friday the 13th marathons on Friday the 13th. It's just ritual.

By the way, KJ, if i were down there I would kidnap you too. Just so you know, you havent been forgotten.

I would like to see a Friday the 13th marathon now that i think about it a little. Damn...

I am really hungry too..."I predict a riot...oh oh I predict a riot..."

"Everybody's Changing"

You say you wander your own land
But when i think about it
I dont see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And i can see the pain in your eyes
Say everybody's changing
And i dont know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

I just thought that everyone needed to read the lyrics of one of Keane's's excellent.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Yeah...sorry about that...I dont know the proper english for measurment in time...sorry...CORRECTION: ma is NOT a century old...she's almost half a century old...a duh...

Miranda I miss you I want to go kidnap you one of these days while whats-his-name is busy at school...thinking...plotting...


Monday, May 09, 2005

Is it really Monday?

Oh wow...what happened to the weekend? I dont remember Friday! I really dont remember what happened this weekend. Why...i dont know. I remember being at Rob's house with David. That's about all i can say. What the hell did i do, it must not have been important. Well yippee, no more LCC!! There are like three people in the computer lab right now, so suprized i'm not the ONLY one. Ma's birthday was yesterday AS WELL AS mother's day. Ma is now two years away from being a century, i wonder what i'll be like when i'm's only about 31 years away. Hm...must go ponder now--and get to class...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Weekend or whatever

Hm...where to start...i saw Jim this morning. I need to talk to him again later today, i really hope he's around later. Weekend we went to GR for saturday night, it was...a funny time. aside from my coughing to death we walked down a few blocks...yes that's right, i was terrifyed (thanks ma...) there was some guy who tried to talk to us but we ignored it and kept going. I was soooo afraid, i kept hearing mother saying "dirty fucking city full of creeps"(--dont get me wrong, mother has nothing specific against GR, she hates all big cities. So do i.) I hung onto david's arm so tight and kept asking him are we almost there!!!!! dirrrrty city...monday i filmed my project...but alot of it isnt so good...out of focus or over exposed...i feel so stupid...and i remember telling myself to remember that i turned the mic off when i first got the camera and when i was outside in the cold i was wondering why i had no levels...and knew i wouldnt have any sound...but i didnt tell david's so screwed up. I have to edit it will be fun. I need my star card...i need to go see Cory...crap! i need to go see Sarah, she's in Sparrow cuz she went into labor. Two months early...Sarah I hope you're alright. Met Laura yesterday too. Saw grandma and grandpa yesterday and auntie Pammie and Haley and Amanda B sadly...

C'est tout pour maintenant...


Thursday, April 28, 2005


You Belong in 1967


If you scored...

1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!

1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.

1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!

1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.

1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!

The Ging--GRR

G is for Godlike

I is for Insane

N is for Nice

G is for Gifted

E is for Entertaining

R is for Remarkable

What Does Your Name Mean?

(thank you Neil, this post now fixededededddd...)

You Are 50% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Silly things

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

25% Upper Midwestern

5% Midwestern

0% Dixie

0% Yankee

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tony Engel

Someone who was supposed to save the world with me. He was one of the real people. He had eyes that could see, and he was rare, for he could understand what he saw with them too. He was a very touching man. He knew what went on around him, he was a very brilliant person in many ways, and his talent was what made people fall in love with him. If he touched a guitar everyone who was there was Tony. He could sing and he could play, he could really play.

I did not know Tony very well, but I have spent a little time with him, and it was enough for me to say that I fell in love with him. But to hear that he has died, that does not make sense to me. He is supposed to help save the world, he cannot be gone.

If he warmed your heart as much as he did mine in the one weekend that I spent with him, you are a good person and you understand when I say that because he could see, we all learned to see.

Monday, April 25, 2005


insane in the membrane, insain in the brain...insane in the membrane, insane in the brain!!! how i wish i could just be sitting in a padded room now, with people tending to my every need, where i wouldnt have to think about a damn thing. i fall apart, by myself. no one here...wish i remembered the song...i hate everything because EVERY DAMN LITTLE THING HATES ME. well...almost.

ps...My MUUUUUUUUSE CONCERT was so...mmm...wonderful.

Friday, April 22, 2005

What wise quote fits Ginger?

Kind person
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

What type of Killer is Ginger?

Maniac killer

You are a maniac

It doesn't matter who they are and what they
have or haven't done. You still want to kill
them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun.
Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe
you have some sort of mental problems or you
are this way because of previous deep scars,
only you know. But now you are sadistic and
maybe you only like to see a special group of
people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are
not the most social person in the bunch and
people think you are weird. That bothers you
somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself
with daydreaming about killing them. After all,
they have no idea what's coming.

Main weapon: Explosives and torture
Quote: "Insanity: a perfect
rational adjustment to an insane world" -
R.D. Lang
Facial expression: Wicked smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

How is Ginger's soul?

Caring soul
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.

How is your soul?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, April 21, 2005

So freaking much

So much to do, how the hell can i do it all. I'm so tired, I had a hard time sleeping last night, I woke up so many times. I am sick. Very sick, my throat hurts so much, I have a nose cold and my back/muscles have been sore ever since the other day when David and I helped Jared and Courtney move in last weekend. I have class in ten minutes, boy will it be fun...GRR...I miss REAL tv class, not having to sit at a computer all four hours. It is so hard to focus when a computer is there for you. I rather would have tv class where there are no distractions, where the teacher will look straight at ME and teach beacause he knows i'm the only one who can maintain eye contact, so I feel like i'm the only one he's telling it to and I remember it better. He still does it, my fav teacher, but it's so hard to focus because there's a computer stairing at me, and i have to decide who I keep eye contact with, the computer screen, or with him.

Well after class I have ma to attend to. She'll be coming up here some time today, donno when. Which is bothering me, cuz i'd like to do some other things but in order to do them i need to know when i can and cant be hanging around the apt. I called them earlier, three phones rang and nobody answered any of them. grrr...


Monday, April 18, 2005

Me? EEEEvil??? Nah...

"It's a wonderful night...come on and shake it on's a wonderful night..." damn it David, fatboy is in my head. This weekend was verrrry long. On Saturday I thought it was Sunday. I had friday off though, so that would probably be why. I went to my grandma's friday and there I searched for a pair of pants that I knew did not fit me any more. I could not find them...or any of the clothes I am SURE that I put in a box. The only ones I could find were in a trash bag, and there was barely anything in there. I was thinking two things: either Neil somehow conned me into taking my clothes that I always use later on, fitting me or not; to Goodwill. I am not likely to be pushed into such a thing, because I still need the clothes. That was the first thought. Second thought: my cousin Jason and his fiancé Crystal put stuff upstairs at grandma's too. They later came and got all the stuff. I donno if they took it...but grandma said that they would have brought it back by now if they did. Grandma thinks that I left them at ma's house. I do not believe this, however it is possible considering that Neil does not remember me taking things to goodwill.

Well, after I searched and searched for that box I went and searched with grandma for old clothes from when ma, Beckie, Pam and Ron were kids to use. Of course, no matter how many times I have tried to wear things of theirs from back then, I cannot fit into them. They are always highwaters and they never fit around the waist nicely. I can wear them, but they are tighter than my size ones that I have. I know that ma and Beckie and Pam were all scronny, but--to be able to fit into a pair of pants that are smaller than size ones? They may have been young when they could fit into them, but they are a couple inches away from being the right size on me--back then they wore things higher though. I remember when I was younger I found a pair of orange pants that I wanted soooo bad--they were cordiroids (donno how to spell...) and they were ORANNNGE!!! But...I couldnt even get them zipped up...sob...

ANYWAYYYYS...I found a few things and went to work on a pair of pants that I had brought with me to wash that I dont really like too much. I made them more likeable. I only had Friday to work on them, and I worked on putting cordiroid patching on them. I only put three on them, and only one of them looks passing. Oh well. They look better than my other pants that begun to exist in seventh grade.......many many years ago...but I still like those pants. Oh stop rambling Ginger!!

So Saturday morning, at 9:15, I had another eye appointment, and we were there for an hour and a half. Ugh...the buick got washed while we were in there. Stupid eye doc...i'm sick of it. Yeah yeah yeah, I have a scar on my eye now, I had another one anyways so now I got two. Dont make me come back to see you. Fk you, I dont want these stupid contacts, grandma thinks that because I'm so used to wearing ones that correct my astigmatism that because I'm not wearing them, that is the cause of my headache that i had for two days or more. Neil says welcome to my world. I get back to the apt with grandma and grandpa, David's nothere. I dont ask until after grandma and grandpa leave--where's David, did he go to work? Nope, he didnt know. He saw him last when I saw him last, Friday morning. So after Neil got offline, I called a few people. nobody knew...I went for a walk. I called a number of people......let's leave it at that. I got a secret now...but dont worry, YOU'LL ALL KNOW SOON ENOUGH. Hehehehe.......a little suprize.......

As I was--working on the secret--David called, he was at [someone's] house. I got Neil out of the apartment, since it was such a gorgeous day out that why be cooped up in there all day in your pj's looking out the window and cleaning when you could be outside on such a lovely day, and clean later when it's not so great out. We rode our bikes all around MSU for a while, I saw the stadium. I dont think I have ever seen it before, only on tv. I was in awe. David was going to come back to the apt with [someone] and we might go do something. I went back an hour later and played Halo waiting for him. When he came, we went on the bicycles again, me and David. We went to the garden and there was music across the river. We checked it out but couldnt figure it out. Later I saw a sign truck on Grand River telling me that it was "Sparty Party" and a few bands were there. None I recognized from myspace. We went back.

Sunday David and I were going to go somewhere but then Jared asked us if we could help him move, so we did. David and I started working on making the path off the deck, and the guy was pissed at it. Sorry...but it's almost done. So now they are moved out of their trailer into an old, very awesome house. Alot of wood, for being in the city. It's pretty cool.

So that's my story, nothing more to tell, other than to remind you all that I got a secret...and i'm not gonna tell...not even the ones it would effect the will have to wait it out.

Oh, yeah i got something else to say!!!!!!! SOOOON I WILL BE GOING TO SEE MUUUUUUUSE!!!!!! yes yes yes yes YES!!!!! This SATURDAY!!!! The 23rd!!!! Come to think about it, I had a dream about it, or before it. Some guy was telling me that he was going to sneak a camera in there and if I wanted I could have copies of them. I remember that. That's all though......Ok. Time to end this rambling. MUUUUUUUUUUUUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 DAYS!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Last Weeeeeeeek

What to say…I was gone for a week to David’s. He got me a rose while I was sleeping. It was a great way to start the day. After a trip…down the stairs…David ended up in Lansing. Now he is no longer living up there, because of…that dramatic trip down the basement stairs…his foot is all wounded and (I’m sorrrrrrry!!!) I keep hitting it somehow and peeling the skin off it over and over. And people are stepping on it…damn hippies, walking around barefoot…blah…

Oh by the way...yesterday was my cousin Jason's 20th birthday. Hope you had a good day Jay.
What else what else...Neil's family project was due today, havent had time to ask him how it went, if he finished it this weekend and how it turned out...i would have liked to help revise it. know, I want alot of things for my birthday when I have time to think about them...I want that Modest Mouse cd, the newest one, and maybe the old ones too. But definately the new one, and that france Ferdenand, cuz Jared keeps playing the cds over and over and over and I only get to hear the first few songs before he changes the cd (he's one of those gotta change the song now people if you cant tell) but damn it I want those cds so freaking bad. Maybe I should just copy them onto the computer from his cd one day...rambling...

man, for those of you who know me, understand that since my mother called me a bathing beauty when I was a little girl in grandma's pool, I will not take my bikini off for anything. You never know when you might need it, ya know? Every summer I will wear it forever, occasionally take it off to wash, which doesnt happen alot considering that it gets rinsed alot in water anyways...(go ahead and be discusted by me i dont care).....What is my point you ask? Shut the hell up Ginger and get to the point you say?? Point: it has begun. I have skipped Spring completely and went straight to summer.

Mmmmmmm....the sun. MMMM...the water...the sand.....ahh...oooo the other day we went to the park and we were sitting on these huge piles of niiiiiice warm sand next to the water in the niiiiice warm was great. Neil was asking later why there was sand in the phone...sorry! I sat in the sand and sand got in my back pockets. how can you not take your shoes off and sit in the sand? (what is happening in my head right now...:"slash dot slash dot slash dot slash dot slash dot slash dot slash dot com...")hahahahahahaaaaaa................a;lksdjf;lkasdjf;klajsedfkljas;ldkfjasl;dkfjdkfas;sdklfjksal;sldkfjkdsa;

ok...time to walk away now. I know that if i continue on here it will only confuse all of you more and more because nobody understands the twisted world of Ginger and only the brave who are not afraid of disappearing and never coming back the same again will dare to enter my world...which really there are only...i would say four or five who have entered bravely, and were not petrifyed by what they saw, and many have entered into it and saw something they never believed had existed and were terrifyed and ran far far away...shut the hell up Ginger you say...I dont care about your mind I am not stupid enough to enter it so shut up about it already you say...

la teeeeee da~~~~~~Ginger Marrie~~~~~~la teeeeee da

Thursday, March 31, 2005


So yesterday, beautiful fking beautiful it was yesterday oh so gorgeous.........I walked by the Breslin Center and OMG I saw the word MUSE but I thought it was just me hallucinating, after all I was listening to them at that moment. I kept my eye on the screen.....and it came around again....and OMG Muse is going to be at the Breslin...RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO can i not go to it??? I dont care if nobody wants to go with me, I will go it alone if I must. It's MUSE!! How can I pass them up, when they'll be less than half a mile from me?? I HAVE TO GO!!

So if anyone wants to go with me to see precious Muse with Razorlight on April 23...LET ME KNOW AND I WILL GLADLY ESCORT YOU THERE. In fact I encourage you to come with me. They are so fking awesome, I fell in love with them as soon as i first heard them. I cant get enough of them. alk;dsfj;alkdsfj;alkdsjf

Tickets are on sale beginning today, MSU students get five dollar discount so I am going to ask Neil to buy me one today. I am so happy!! MUUUUUUUUUUUUSE!!!!!yesyesyesyesyesyes...... you know, I dont know if anyone else I hang out with even likes them...or even knows who they are...maybe i could get Miranda to come, I bet she would love to...I love you Miranda come with me on April 23!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Wonderful LCC

All the times that I saw Chris here in the computer lab and I never went up to him and said anything, and today I walk in and our eyes meet and he immediately reacts. HAH! He did remember me, that little girl who was obsessed with him once...only he didnt react that way. He knew me. It was awesome. It was odd, but I now remember him more than just the guy who i was obsessed with. I remember alot of things now. Awesome...

Join the freak show. Do something good for someone you dont know.'s the book i'm reading...sometimes it speaks to me and i cannot stop it from controlling me...

Oh by the way!! HAH! Someone called me was fun, because he called to get info out of me, and instead I got a lot of info out of him and he got nothing. I did the Ginger thing--being vague and not answering it but making it sound like i did. HAHAHA...So whatever he thought the answer was, he thinks it is the answer but he's still not sure. He got no answers answered, really. I love it, i love how i can do that!! yes!!

So anyways...heheh...yeah. Back to; no i think that's all i have to say about LCC...

What the hell else can i talk about...nope, that's about it!!

Monday, March 28, 2005


Usually I am obsessed with the rain. But my honest and faithful NBC weatherman Darrin Rockcole tells me that it is supposed to rain on Thursday...which is not a very nice...few-days-in-advance-April-Fools if it is one...but our group in Tv class is supposed to do our thing that day, and it is based outside. In fact it is all outside. There is no way that we will take the cameras outside in the rain, I dont want the hassle of all the raincoats for the stupid equiptment. And also the rain may screw up our continuity...not that we have any to begin with, it's supposed to be a parody...but noooo! NO RAIN ON THURSDAY PLEASE DARRIN PLEASE!!

On another note...I think I'm going to David's this weekend. I dont have school on April Fools day, no joke. So I think I'll somehow go up there for the weekend, starting on Thursday night...after we do our thing outside on LCC campus in the SUNSHINE oh the wonderful sunshine makes for a happy camera that doesnt need to be bundled up for the weather...happy cameras make me happy make me happy happy happy happy...

Neil and I were impersonating the stupid people around our apt yesterday, they're always "woooo!!" and "YEAAAAAAAAH!" for no reasons. At least, ones that are stupid. Alot of times we figure they're watching sports, but they've always done it. We were playing Halo it was fun, every time we BOTH died and had to start over somewhere, we would cheer. It was great. Stupid basketball games...who likes that anyways? I dont understand the rules. I like football. Football is so simple to understand, and it's so much more rough. Maybe that's why we all like football?? Because people get hurt very easily?? Because it is such a rough sport that when played it relieves our anger the best?? I think that's why. I love football...

Please dont let it rain this Thursday, Darrin.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


i miss playing on quizilla...but i really like this quiz. It is very fitting for me.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Quite Suprized, Actually

Lord of the rings
J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings. You are
entertaining and imaginative, creating whole
new worlds around yourself. Well loved, you
have a whole league of imitators, none of which
is quite as profound as you are. Stories and
songs give a spark of joy in the middle of your
eternal battle with the forces of evil.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I was rather suprized in seeing this, however after I looked over all the possible results, I realize that I am definately not like any other ones. Maybe this is why I am so obsessed over LOTR??...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


People are so strange. Why do we ever do anything that we do. Some say that they want one thing, and do something to contradict what they "want". They have the choice to do anything, and they do what they could have avoided. And then they lie. Why do people lie? They lie about how they "couldnt not do it"...nobody is making you do anything. Nobody ever does. You can do anything you want. ANYTHING. You are free. Free Image Hosting at <a href=

Remember this...always remember this. You can do anything you want, you are a free spirit. The only thing keeping you down is YOU. If you want to fly, spread your wings.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Finally, someone who actually decided to post a comment on my blog. Thank you, NEIL. And for that you shall get what you suggested...

Pianos...they are pretty. I like them. I want to know how to play one and maybe once I learn how to play a piano, I can move on to learning how to play organs so that when I (hopefully) inherit my grandma's organ, I can jam on it. David has a piano that he inherited, he wants to learn to play too. I have always wanted to know how to play, and sometimes when I am at grandma's or somewhere where I can play on a piano, I will sit there and play something. I sat at grandma's organ for so long studying the notes for songs, and even though I couldnt play the entertainer or stardust--grandma's favorite song is stardust--I figured out how to play over the rainbow and a few others...of course it's not the music, it's the vocals...but at least i got it figured out!!

There's your request on what i could think of to talk about on pianos, Neil.

And now for the list of favorite movies...which is very hard to do but i will try.

I saw Assult on Precinct 13, I must say that is is a great movie, and the photography...I dont think i ever went to the theatre twice to see a movie before this one. I fell in love with how brilliantly it was directed...I hope that gets some sort of greatest movie of the decade award...but it probably wont.

Hm...well, I cannot make a complete list of my favorite movies, but i can list a few of the good ones. I have a million favorites, since alot of movies are excellent. But I must say, Assult on Precinct 13 was definately the best one that has been created in a long long time...(please dont ask about lotr; no comment...)

Donnie Darko--excellent. I not only like Jake Djaopijmmfkdopoikfdjsl, but I also love the whole Frank concept. I love it love it...that movie opened up another door that i did not know existed before in my head. I love that movie.

Lost Souls--that was a creative movie, even though there are many out there with the same concept. I liked the filming, it was creative, and when I become big I must say that this movie and Assult on Precinct 13 would inspire my style of directing.....

Well, I think that I will leave it at that...I know that I am not crediting many of my ultimate movies that I am obsessed over, but I feel as if I continue with the list, I will feel guilty in not putting other ones up there, because it would look as though I liked certain movies more than others. So that's all i will mention on that...

Although I will say this: Underworld. That movie needs an alternate ending. I thought that was a good movie but the ending SUCKED. I remember when I saw it and when the credits appeared, I was left saying "UGH!!! WHAT!!" and I remember just as I had said that Jerry was saying "cool!!!" I turned around and told him I hated the ending. Since then I havent been able to get it out of my head. Usually I subconsiously forget the endings to movies and then later on I can watch it again and still have a suprize at the end because I dont remember the end until it is five seconds before happening or I dont at all. It is so great...

Maybe that is what I get. I am jealous of people for being able to repress memories that they dont like, but maybe they're all jealous of me for being able to forget the ends of movies. Unless they are so great (Donnie Darko) or suck so bad (Underworld).

Anyone else dare post a comment and tell me what to ramble about???

Friday, March 18, 2005

Blah sucks. Duh.

Tomorrow is Dave's GRAND OPENING!!! The bike shop. The ONLY bike shop in Chartucky, for those of you who cant figure it out. It's just across from Perferrrewserjerererdddd Driving. Perferred or however it's spelt. Yeah, i'm blah today. K u. Wow, i bet that only makes sense to me. I must be so far out there. I bet Miranda doesnt even get me now. ;laksdjf

wow, i cant believe that's all i have to say today...someone post a comment and tell me what i should ramble on about next...please...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I'm just gonna keep reminding you all as my birthday approaches...May 20...

Bad Day


Yeah that's right, a;sldkfja;sdklfj!! I SAID IT!

I was having a great day. I still kinda am, but one thing happened that pissed me off. Yesterday my computer was posessed with spyware. The computer geeks came in and cleaned it. Then jokingly my teacher said that if it does it again then I will be labeled the culprit. I laughed. I was busy doing things in photoshop. I checked my email, saw that another Ginger emailed me but it was on "myspace" so I went there to read it. I know, that place is nothing but ads. But I was invited into the thing and I like it, after I look past all the junk that's there. And as I was asking him in the very end of class how to do this one thing in Dreamweaver because it didnt work when i did it, and he touched the mouse and it became posessed again. I yelled at the computer, and he started blaming me. He asked me where i had gone, i told him only to gmail and myspace. He said he'd have them clean it off and tomorrow we'll just check the email. I can understand. But that's the first time that myspace has hacked into any computer I've been on while accessing it. So until I find a way around all the spyware that we assume is on, we (Ginger) choose not to go there for a while. Sorry for those of you who want to talk to me.

Life sucks. Hah...that reminds me, Neil and I were talking about things ma retiring, and we were thinking, what will she bitch about then? I said she'll still bitch about Trumley because she bitches about him now, and that is years past. He said something about putting a quote about hating Dick Trumley till her very last on her tombstone, but I had one better:

Teresa Ann Schneider
"Life's a bitch and then ya die"
For those of you who dont know, that's all she said for years. Along with constant mumblings of Dick Trumley...I love you ma, nobody else could fk up our heads like you do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Hey!! Skid's Bike Shop's GRAND OPENING is this Saturday! The 19th!! Dont MISS IT!!


Hey everyone, for those of you who know me you should enjoy this or at least get a laugh out of it. Enjoy!

Remember when Miranda and I were obsessed over people in high school? Remember Chris? I saw him today at LCC, but i wasnt quick enough to say anything. If I had said anything to him before thinking, I would have said "hey Chris, remember me? I used to be obsessed with you in high school??" I know he would remember me, but come on, Ginger! You can think of something better to say!

And something else made me think today. My teacher was telling me about someone's blog he was reading that he knew, one day they decided to post a huuuuge list of everything they hated. Which he said sounded like something i would do. I told him about my "bitch wall" that I used to have. You remember this dont you? Surely you do. I used to have an NSYNC wall too. And one day I thought that there were too many people I hated, I couldnt just put them on one piece of paper and hide it away somewhere. No, I hated every one of them too much to hide it. So I had a piece of paper with each person per page. It had the usual ones, you know like Ostipow, or nrmwb szkvi, or Ryan too at times.

Of course though, the demise of the bitch wall came. One day I decided that I hated my step-dad so much that he had to be dedicated on the wall too. He didnt like it very much, he tore my bitch wall down. it was a sad day, it felt like every one person on that wall had just defeated me. it was an awful day.

But anyways, remember my hating everyone? I still hate alot of those people, but if you ask me i might not be able to give a good reason. I could tell you why I hated them then, but most of them are lame reasons. Well, I dont have a lame reason for hating Ostipow or Ryan, I definatley have every reason in the world to hate Amanda and who do I hate most in this world?? Who else!! Gviib of course!

Thanks for walking down the yellow brick road with me. It was fun.

Monday, March 14, 2005

News from MSNBC

This is a bunch of crap. Stupid school.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I wonder

Really people in GB or Aulstralia walk on the left side of the aisle? If we walk on the right because that's how we drive, do they do it the way they drive too? Is it improper over there to walk on the right side just like it confuses people when you walk on the left side here? Someone post a comment and let me know.

Well I think I want a bird. One that will talk or mock you. Definately one that will mock you. That would be awesome. This weekend Dave may have either just gotten a bird or it has a temporary home--and it is a parrot that talks. It is so cool. I want it...

I have another eye appointment this Friday and an hour later (hopefully I can get out quick) I scheduled a dentist appointment. I think I might have a cavity now. It's been a few years since I had one but I think i got one now.

al;sdkjf marbles.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Coming Weekend

;alksdjf I say, ;lkajsdf!!!!

I dont know....i dont think i should know anymore, I cant know. I am so confused.

I think I am going to David's this weekend. I dont know though yet.

I would like to kill people. Not just anyone though. Certain people.

Oh yeah, I found this rather hilarious when I read it in the Lansing State Journal last week. Boy, you should have heard me shriek. I was dancing all around.

That doesnt mean that I dont hate him just means THAT I WON THE GAME HE PLAYED WITH ME!!!!

Monday, February 28, 2005

Ow my EYE

I thought i had put a post about what had happened to my eye, but apparantly I must have typed it and then decided I had no time to post it so I discarded it... :( well ok. Story is, Wednesday I took my contacts out so I could feel better, I thought there was something in my eye. Something stayed in my eye, and by Friday it was bugging me so much that I went to Charlotte to my eye doctor to get it looked at. NO, after Wednesday I took my contacts out and havent worn them since.

Well...I have to take one drop of ;alksdfjaldkjf and another of fjkdls;adlkfj...hang on let me get them out and let you pronounce them... Ciprofloxacin (which i think is the weaker one) and Tobradex which is not gags me when I forget to pinch the top of my nose so it dont drain down my throat. ick...

Weekend was good, made Jordan mad at me, I didnt think I could but I did. Got to hang out with Jack too, he's pretty cool. OOOOH and haha I learned something yay...I WOULD know all of it, but because I was so irritated when he finally decided to help me, I quit because I couldnt focus. But Jordan taught me to play WISH YOU WERE HERE or at least the beginning of it. Before he starts strumming the guitar. Just the intro...but I will know it all soon. It's not that hard. yayuh!

hm......i think that's it for now...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Crazy Story

Ok...where to begin. I guess I will start with where I left you all. Thursday. Thursday I ended up WALKING to the train station in 16 degree hands were crisp and pained. I had a huge bag over my shoulder which weighed me down and I had an irritated spot on my leg from it hitting my leg with every step. It was half my weight, but later on David was carrying it and he picked it up in the car with one hand above his head...I wanted to cry. Well anyways i'm getting ahead of myself. Got on the train, la te da, the next day we snuck over to kidnap Heidi. And kidnap Heidi we did. And so Jerrid came with his wife and son too, so there was a number of people in the house. Heidi left with Jerrid so he could drop her off at the station so she could catch the train back. I think he ended up driving her home because he went the wrong way.

Long weekend and on Tuesday the alarm clock was not set, I missed the train back to EL. Drove Dave to work and we got all the way back to the house when I realized for David that he was supposed to meet his mother Tuesday. He called her, mentioned the situation, I think he asked his mother if she could take me home. Ended up nobody remembered the stuff and when we left to Flint, my things were forgotten and so I didnt get to have his mother take me back.

I made reservations for the train on Wednesday morning, and we left. We almost missed it, if it had not been about ten minutes late, I would have not caught it. So when I got back to EL I caught the bus at the right time, I didnt have to wait long, got off the bus and caught the one bus, didnt have to wait long, went to class. yay...not really.

On another note, Hunter S. Thompson died...they were teaching me about his brilliance and I was beginning to obsess over him along with everyone else, and on Tuesday we found out about it...ugh...

Thursday, February 17, 2005


well today is Thursday I am leaving I am going to David's after today...I am happy about that. I have alot of problems right now and he is the only person who can comprehend everything that i rattle out. There is alot of crap in my head and it needs to be sorted through. This is a bunch of bullshit...I dont understand this crap. Ugh...only thirteen more hours until I can relax...until then my life is "a;ksdfkd;asdlkjfkda;lsldjkf" right now...this is BULLSHIT. ugh. I hate you. And as for what is going on in NRIZMWZH life right now...UGH! dont worry, it's almost over. Just another week of bull for you. For me...not so. More like an unestimated time of bull left before I can escape it...a;lsdkjf;laskdjflkjdf;lkjadsf

Tuesday, February 15, 2005



oh yeah...the picture is of this weekend, it's my backside running to the house... SWEEEEET I am so happyyyyyyyy!!!


Monday, February 14, 2005

Wanna Swim??

Heh heh heh...that's right, I did it. I went swimming. They talked about it for a long time, and we finally did it. Here's the story...

Saturday, David tells me that he may have found a ride up there for me. His friend wanted to go visit him, so on Sunday we went up there. He told me to bring my bathing suit. When we got there, they had just recently finished cutting a hole in the ice. The day went on, we did a few other things but for some reason we waited until it was dark out before we went swimming.

Gary was watching us down farther on the lake, he knew we were going to go. There was another house watching us, apparantly they recorded us. This is how it went...

They had all been talking about it for so long, how much fun it would be...and how they wanted to do it so bad. They had to con me into putting my bikini on, but the story's not done yet...

We all went out there, Dave was at the edge of it and was going to go first. David was going to go very last so he could watch everyone else. Dave chickened out and said "screw this i'm going back inside where it's warm!" and we all followed him. Dave and Ashley argued over who would go first. Then she decided I was going to go first. I had to remind her how bad she wanted to be first originally because she wanted the first hot shower. So we all went outside and Ashley went to the edge. She chickened out too. Then Dave was going to again, but he didnt either. So I was sick of hearing people chicken out of something they had wanted to do for a while, and so I--GINGER--tore off my shirt and leapt in.

HOOOOO!! Get me outta here!!! A hand reached for me and i pulled it. There was another pair of hands holding a towel for me, I grabbed it and kept running. Dave was inside watching through the window, he was laughing and was suprized that I jumped in. I turned on the hot hot water and was warm soon.

When I came out in two minutes everyone was there waiting for me. So after that, we all went back outside and everyone dove in one after another. I had started it. Aaron I think was the only one who went in twice. Brave...I wanted to go in twice too but i didnt. I think I am going up there again tonight, maybe i'll take a second turn again tonite...

Oh, by the way--HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to those I love, you know who you are. For the rest of the world, remember that just because it's Valentine's day, it doesnt mean I dont still hate you. I just wont act like it so much today.

Oh and yeah--today is a verrrry beautiful day! It's warm, a little humid, and it is raining every now and then...soooo beautiful.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Think about it

This is awful. I cant believe it...I am horrified. But it's not completely out of reason, I can imagine a reasoning for it. But it...WRONG.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Yes working in HTML crap in computer class every day makes us want to play with things. And we have been playing in our blog. We had been playing with the way it looked before, but we didnt know anything of what we were doing then. But we are beginning to read the codes, we know this effed up language a little now. And yes, Neil, you can call us THEYEVES because we stoles something from your blog precious, yes yes we did! That's ok, soon we will know more about this language than you do Neil, and we will laugh as we show YOU what something means! hahaha...

Actually back to Ginger and away from the sinister one that is inside me: I like doing html and all but I want to learn Flash. Screw all this other crap I am glad I have learned Photoshop even though I can know much more, uh yeah, I want to know flash...

cripe! I just did the math and realized i need to go now if I plan on eating something and making it back here in time for class!! enough bitching and enough playing in html, good day!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Running from the world
Running from the dreams I had
Running away from who I thought he was
I run because I am afraid
Looking back I hope
Hope I got away
Away from all the pain the world is laying on me

I sit
Leaning on a rock
The rain is for me
There is pain caused by my absence
I know I must return
Return to what I hate most
To what I fear
But I sit by my rock
Loving the beauty that is hidden to all but me
Only I can see

As I walk back
Back to hell
Back to all the stress
Back to all the drama
Back to THEM
I think about that beauty I saw
I cry
Wishing the rest of the world could see it
THEY need to see it
Then THEY would understand
Then THEY might comprehend

But until then
I must return
Constantly running to the beauty in the world
Hoping someone will watch me run
And see the beauty that I hide to
Hoping someone will love the beauty in this world
And they will not destroy it
Like so many others have

Until then I must always return.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Went to David's


Friday, so excited to be going to David's. Decide not to trust the bus to get there. It was warm out, I would walk. All the way down Harrison in the dusk. So I did. And just like Neil figured, it took about a half hour. And when I got there, I still had fourty minutes before the train was supposed to be there. I had forgot a book, OR paper, all I had luckily was Neil's cd player and plenty of cd's and batteries.

8:05. I go up to the guy behind the counter and ask him how will I know when the train comes. The train was supposed to be there at 8:08. He said he didnt have anything to do with the Amtrak, just the Greyhound. So, I sat back down and waited. Went outside, asked someone if they were waiting for the train too, yep.

After an hour of it being late, I tried to call David on the payphone. Payphone was defective. I asked to use a cell phone, one appeared. I called him, he said he'd call back with info, it didnt leave Chicago until two hours and fifteen minutes late, due to "electrical problems". Or something like that. SO, at ten twenty, I got on the train.

La la la la la nothing out the windows to look at because it's dark. Just the distant lights of towns and now and then a town to go thru. Alot to look at when we went thru Flint. After we stopped at Flint I was awake again, the next stop was Lapeer!! So anyways, got there and had a good weekend. Ashely and Nikki were camped out in the house waiting for me. I got there at one. tired.

We went snowmobiling on the lake...which I didnt think was as thick as they wanted me to believe...and Ashley was supposed to finish cutting the hole in the ice so we could go polar bear swimming but she didnt finish it. It was her task, she promised David.

Monday morning, woke up at 4:30, we were supposed to leave at five. Dave had to go to work at 6, and I had to catch the train at 6:05. Plan was to drop Dave off first and then wait for the train with me. We waited around for Dave to wake up and call for us. He never did. At 5:20 we decided to check on him, he wasnt going to go to work. So we left at 5:30, late. We pulled up to the station, and there was a few cars there, all appeared to be empty. We thought maybe we had missed it, we had no way to know the time. Then not even five minutes after we parked does it come. It was a couple minutes late, if it had been on time (like it never is i guess...) then I would have missed it and been stuck in Lapeer...